Saturday, March 27, 2010

Canadians Are Buying 5% of Phoenix Homes | Greater Phoenix real estate and investments

The AZ real estate market is very different from what is seen both with and outside the "sand states" of Cal, Nev, Fla & AZ; bcuz the bulk of the snowbird in AZ are from different states of U.S. and from different provinces of Canada.

What this report tells U.S. is that Canadian snowbirds are a very important factor in AZ's real estate market.

However, keep in mind that the Canadian Dollar - the Loonie - is now almost at par, again. That makes it VERY desirable for them to come down here and buy - their money is now worth 25% more than a few years ago, AND property in some parts of AZ is very cheap - compared to back home in Canada OR in Cal or Fla.

Canadians Are Buying 5% of Phoenix Homes | Greater Phoenix real estate and investments

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