not only not see, but not even understand...
how currency changes have moved U.S. over the last year
Below are some charts - the first two show U.S. the EURO and Can over the last three months.
Note - China has not change, being pegged to U.S.
However, what we see is that both the EURO and CAN - and most other currencies
have gone up as we devalued our currency to increase our exports.
However, look at the next three (3) charts showing U.S. this last years movements.
Note, that while Canada has bounced widely, but up, some.
Then NOTE that the EURO dropped drastically due to the "Greek crisis", scaring the Hell out of them and U.S. too!!!
Now, look at Japan. Up, and up, and UP...!!!
While some of U.S..., with China..., have been on a roller coaster
Japan has been priced out of the world's markets.
What we are now doing is insisting that China, and the rest of the world, allow U.S. do devalue our dollar to accomplish OUR economic objectives - and INTO their markets
while THEY get priced out of OUR markets.
Oddly, nobody but U.S. likes having U.S. "do it" to them.