Saturday, November 27, 2010

Consumer prices increase 1.2 percent in 12 months + Producer prices in October 2010 - stage-of-processing indexes = Real earnings in October 2010

not see that (y)our income...
and (y)our costs...
are both down...

But that does not change the fact that things are not going well for U.S.
12-month percent change in CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), not seasonally adjusted, October 2009–October 2010
Over-the-month percent change in selected stage-of-processing price indexes, seasonally adjusted, October 2010
Over-the-month change in real average hourly earnings for all employees, 
seasonally adjusted, October 2009–October 2010
Consumer prices increase 1.2 percent in 12 months
Producer prices in October 2010 — stage-of-processing indexes
Real earnings in October 2010

Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work decrease in 2009

not find that "transportation" being more dangerous than construction and mining to be a wee, skoshi bit odd...

What you may also, permissive, find odd, is that with the decline in employment in mid 08, we do not see - yet? - as large a decline in injuries. Did we get less careless, worrying about keeping our jobs?

But, explain why being in "health care" is so dangerous.
Is this bcuz WORKING in a hospital is almost as dangerous to (y)our health as BEING "treated" as a patient in one?
Incidence rates for nonfatal occupation injuries and illnesses involving days away from work, selected industries, 2008 and 2009
In private industry, the number of injuries and illness cases involving days away from work decreased 11 percent to 964,990 cases—a decline from 1,078,140 in 2008. This is the first time the number of cases has been below 1 million since data have been collected
In private industry, 18 percent (172,820 cases) of all occupational injuries and illnesses occurred in health care and social assistance
From 2008 to 2009, the number of injury and illness cases within the transportation and warehousing industry (90,700 in 2009) decreased 13 percent. Half of the injury and illness cases in this industry were the result of overexertion or contact with objects or equipment.
The incidence rate for transportation and warehousing decreased 8 percent to 227 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, but remained the highest incidence rate of all industry sectors.
Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses
requiring days away from work decrease in 2009

The Other Taxes: Who Pays Them?

forget how far wrong the Far Right really is...
My NYT comment about Casey, the Faux economist:
Once again Casey greased the ball he is pitching to U.S. On 1st read it did appear that, finally, The Case was getting it right. Then we read the comments, too. Which show all of U.S. that he is still being The Bad Case.
This other comment is illustrative:
The share of total after tax income (including all categories of taxation)
going to the lower three household income quintiles (<$75,000)
declined by 2.2% between 2001 and 2007
the share of total after tax income going to the upper 1% of households
increased 4.5% between 2001 and 2007
As a former R AG in a state of WA was reported, and then admitted, to have said: "Do not tell me what IS true..., tell me what people like me want to THINK is true. That is my only reality."
Another gross example of Faux news in our Times

The Other Taxes: Who Pays Them?

Wages of Full-time and Part-time Cooks: A Multicity Tour

not see why Texas isn't the Mecca tis said to be...

This is an interesting BLS report.
While the fact that full-time workers are paid more is not surprising.
What you might find so is that "institution & cafeteria" cooks are the highest paid.

Are these people employed by prisons, schools...
and the "inmates" are dangerous?
Or, are these people employed by large hospitals...
where they drown/kill off all the stupid ones.
Literally and figuratively.

*Texas - the last two cities on the 3rd & last chart
Chart 1. Average hourly wages of cooks in the United States, by occupational group, all civilian workers, July 2009
Chart 2. Average hourly wages of all cooks in selected areas, all civilian workers
Chart 3. Average hourly wages of all cooks in selected areas, all civilian workers
Wages of Full-time and Part-time Cooks: A Multicity Tour

Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth? + Growth: The U.S. vs. Europe

listen to "The Truth", as you want to hear it...
as opposed to what is, in fact, The Real Truth.

Please note, the W years are the last two "on the Far Right"...
and the farthest right you are, not?, the worse it was....
which is being wrong - about what the tax cuts really did.


 growth in this country was faster than in Europe after the Clinton tax increase and after the Bush tax cut
(and, of course, the American economy grew faster after the tax increase than it did after the tax cut).
---------Clinton VS WBush
-------------WBush VS the rest of U.S.
Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth?
Growth: The U.S. vs. Europe

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Visualizing Booming Profits = Unemployment rates in each state, compared to previous month and a year ago = Thanks for nothing, Corporate America

believe that "once upon a time"...
America was a fair country, to itself and it's people.
that was then...
THIS is now.
Employers in 41 states added jobs in October, the Labor Department said Tuesday, the best showing in 5 months. But the unemployment rate fell in only 19 states, because the additional jobs weren't always enough to absorb increases in the number of people looking for work. The rate rose in 14 states and remained the same in 17 states. Below are the unemployment rates for each state last month, compared to the previous month and a year ago.

District of Columbia11.49.89.7
New Hampshire6.85.55.4
New Jersey9.99.49.2
New Mexico88.28.4
New York8.98.38.3
North Carolina10.99.79.6
North Dakota4.33.73.8
Rhode Island12.311.511.4
South Carolina12.21110.7
South Dakota4.74.44.5
West Virginia8.89.19.3
Visualizing Booming Profits
Unemployment rates in each state
compared to previous month and a year ago
Thanks for nothing, Corporate America

LPS: Mortgages entering foreclosure fell 4.4% in October + Foreclosure inventories rise in October while yearly delinquency rate drops

not see the different interpretation given to the same report/numbers.
not see that the foreclosure problem is NOT merely robo-signing.
According to LPS, 9.29 percent of mortgages are delinquent, and another 3.92 are in the foreclosure process for a total of 13.20 percent. It breaks down as:
• The average number of days delinquent for loans in foreclosure is a record 492 days
• Over 4.3 million loans are 90 days or more delinquent or in foreclosure
• Foreclosure sales plummeted by 35% in October (as a result of the widespread moratoria)
• Nearly 20% of loans that have been delinquent more than two years are still not in foreclosure
• 2.72 million loans less than 90 days delinquent.
• 2.24 million loans 90+ days delinquent.
• 2.09 million loans in foreclosure process.
For a total of 7.04 million loans delinquent or in foreclosure.

Delinquency Rate
LPS: Mortgages entering foreclosure fell 4.4% in October
LPS: Over 4.3 million loans 90+ days or in foreclosure

CR: New Home Sales decline in October

see what CR has to teach U.S. again this month.

This 1st unique CR chart is simply stunning, and shows you low we are.
While the nest 3 charts may appear in other news report,
CR's version shows U.S., clearly, not only where we are, but what would BE normal, if it was back to normal.
What is puzzling is that CR does not show U.S. as much "new inventory" as other articles.
We need to watch that. Did builder cut back, or are they surprised by the size of the drop off in sales?
New Home Sales Monthly Not Seasonally Adjusted
New Home Sales and Recessions
New Home Months of Supply and Recessions
New Home Sales Inventory
New Home Sales decline in October

U.S. Jobless Claims Decline to 407,000, Lowest Since July 2008

see only what you want to see...

First, please note, the claim week was short - Veterans Day.
Second, weekly claims are alway very volitile.
Third, the 4 week average is NOT down near 400k

Better luck, next time, next week.
1st & 2n charts are the 4 week moving average.
3rd & 4th are a look at The States = length of extended benefits & size of UI claims
5th VS 6th - the bright side VS the dark side
The third article is a VERY good, non public news source, summary.
A must read.
Weekly Unemployment Claims
State Unemployment
U.S. Jobless Claims Decline to 407,000, Lowest Since July 2008
Initial unemployment claims: Lowest since July 2008
Analyst Blog: Initial Jobless Claims Plunge

New home sales: Down 80% from the boom + Down 8.1% in October = 8.6-month glut of new homes on market

think that with jobless claims down...
everything is, now, fine with the world.

While everybody did think New home sales would drop...
as the 1st chart shows U.S. so did the sales prices.

What we did NOT expect was that "new home inventory" would climb.
Why did they not slow down construction?
The last chart, from the LATimes shows U.S. "location".
Obviously, The West is still in deep do-do, or is that don't-don't.
One month is down 4 TIMES the national average.
And, one year is down twice.
Nation has 8.6-month glut of new homes on market
New Home Sales Down 8.1% in October
Foreclosure Fiasco: New home sales: Down 80% from the boom