Saturday, October 8, 2011

Consumer Credit Contracts Due to Student Loans

not see the Devil...
in the details...

JGBHimself says:
First, Steven, this is the only serious discussion of the effects of student loans on this months numbers we have seen, and we have looked. Well done.

Second, there is another data set you might want to incorporate into these charts, namely the use of debit cards as opposed to credit cards.

True, this is skewered (sp?) by the swipe fee problems, but the huge increase in the use of debit cards and/or cash to pay for consumer goods and services is directly connected to the measurement of the deleveraging by some or most of U.S.

However, IF an increase in the use of "credit cards" is matched by a decrease in "debit card" use, then there may not really BE an increase in "credit", but only a change in the way we are paying for "stuff", from China, at Walmart, this month.

Like you, we have watched the decline in credit card balances, to attempt to see if that was caused by a decline in use, OR was caused by card cancellations and write offs. What we, too, watched was the huge shift to using debit cards.

What many of U.S. figured out was that using debit or cash eliminated all "late" and "overdraft" fees. Given the fact that the Big Bad Banksters make more money off those fees than they do off the interest that they charge, possibly WE are the real cause of all their financial problems:)

We "swiped" their fees; and now the evil empire is "swiping" back

Consumer Credit Contracts Due to Student Loans

Phoenix Home Price Index by Price Level

think that all AZ's are equal...
As John Wake points out this IS fascinating.
The two highest priced tiers stopped climbing earlier than the bottom tier.
AND, the bottom tier not only topped out higher
but, then dropped the most.
What is also interesting is that the middle tier dropped less than the highest tier.
However, we MUST remember that this is Case-Shiller a repeat sales index
which means the foreclosures had a HUGE impact on the lowest tier.
And, that the sales of mid and higher tiers have collapsed.
No sales means NO records in CS to view.
Tier Breakpoints (July 2011)
Low Tier – Up to $94,859
Middle Tier – $94,859 – $167,547
High Tier – $167,547 and up

Phoenix Home Price Index by Price Level

Consumer borrowing dropped $9.5 billion in August + Contracts Due to Student Loans

assume that "The Headlines" are telling you The Truth
However, as EconIntersecs points out...
Student Loans were MUCH lower than before.
It is student loans which distort the analysis as they grew ONLY 55% year-over-year this month
– down from a 70% annual growth last month.
Student loans this month were over 14% of total credit
– and accounted for one-half of consumer credit growth.
In some previous months, it has been literally the entire growth of consumer credit
Why? What Happened?
Consumer borrowing dropped $9.5 billion in August
largest amount since April 2010 
August 2011 Consumer Credit Contracts Due to Student Loans

Friday, October 7, 2011

Arizona jobs forecast in 2011, 2012 worse than originally projected + Census: Maricopa County on top of list for home vacancies

not see that the vacancies almost equal the loss in population/jobs
What is also interesting is that
this year the job gains are equal to 4.78%
next year equal to 9.23%
of the prior three years losses.
Or in two years AZ will recover 14.0% of the prior three years losses.
In the next two years AZ will gain back less than were lost last year in 2011.
In numbers 15,500 + 29,900 = 45,400
Losses were 324,000
Therefore we are still down by over 300,000
- IF you add in population growth.
Translated = If we grow by this years rate it will take over 20 years to recover
But, if we grow by next years projection, it might take only 10 years
Almost 14 percent of all homes are empty in Maricopa County
227,696 single-family homes, condominiums and apartments were empty
Tucson has about 230,000 housing units.
So Maricopa County's vacancies are the equivalent to an empty city the size of Tucson.
Maricopa County's population grew 24 percent
while its housing stock grew 31 percent.
In 2009..., Phoenix had more than 100,000 houses built in 2004-06 still sitting empty.
Statewide, housing units increased 30 percent from 2000 to 2010.
The state's population grew 25 percent during the same time.
Clark County, home to Las Vegas, actually had a higher vacancy rate of 14.9 percent.
But it is not among the nation's 10 most-populous counties.
The state lost has 324,000 jobs since the recession began in December 2007
Arizona employers are expected to add more jobs than they cut in 2011
- the first year that has happened since 2007
Arizona is expected to gain 15,500 non-farm jobs in 2011, compared with last year
In 2012, the state is projected to gain 29,900 jobs over 2011
in Arizona's health care and private-education industries
projected to see 4.5 percent growth in 2011, adding 15,400 jobs,
and another 3.6 percent bump in 2012, up 12,900 jobs
Census: Maricopa County on top of list for home vacancies
Arizona jobs forecast in 2011, 2012 worse than originally projected