Saturday, April 2, 2011

On The Stamp: Food Stamp Participation January 2011

find difficulty "swallowing" how bad it really is..., out there.
in January, an additional 105,470 new recipients were added to the food stamps program
an increase of 12.06% on a year-over-year basis
while household participation increased 14.52%.
The Good News is that not very many of U.S. will starve to death.
The Bad News is that Walmart will not get all of the business.
To the best of my re-search, Sold on Top is the only one who regularly reports the food stamp numbers with these kinds of charts.
If they were not so beautiful...
we might think they are too terribly ugly.



On The Stamp: Food Stamp Participation January 2011

Employment Summary and Part Time Workers, Unemployed over 26 Weeks

assume that the world is now rosy for U.S. at the end of Q-1
THESE three charts show U.S. why Calculated Risk is held to such high esteem, and it is called one of the best, if not THE best, economic info/blog source.
Now we are at the end of Q-1, we need to LOOK, really SEE, where we are.
When all are saying that it is finally over and we are moving in the right direction
YOU need only look at CR's 1st chart to see that is a lie.
NO other chart shows U.S. so clearly how deep in a hole we in fact are
nor, how far we much rise to get back.
The 2nd and 3rd charts show U.S. that having a job does not mean your fully employed
and that being out of work for a very long time is the new norm.
What these two charts do NOT show U.S. is all those "quitters"
those who have given up, knowing that there are no jobs to be found.
Below is a post, with charts, that show U.S. that there are LESS people now employed than before W was elected over a decade ago.
While there are now 30 million more of U.S.
As Marie said:  "Let them eat cake."
Percent Job Losses During Recessions

Part Time for Economic Reasons

Unemployed over 26 Weeks

Employment Summary, Part Time Workers
and Unemployed over 26 Weeks

FHFA: Where the Conforming Loan Limit Might Fall on October 1 + FHFA Mortgage Market Notes

assume that this will affect you, personally...
assume that it will not.
From CR's report we were directed to the FHFA tables & Map.
First, there is NO impact on AZ - Phoenix or Tuscon.
Second, there is a less than 50K impact on the Portland-Vancouver area.
Third, there IS a 50-100K impact on King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties!
and a larger impact on San Juan Island and Kitsap.
Fourth, there is an above 100K impact on all of California, from San Diego to San Fransisco.
To see the map, click on the 2nd article, and page down.
FHFA: Where the Conforming Loan Limit Might Fall on October 1
FHFA Mortgage Market Notes

Unofficial Problem Bank List at 985 Institutions = All enforcement actions against the banks on the Unofficial Problem Bank List were terminated this week leaving us nothing to publish.

April Fools!
In reality, however, it was a fairly safe & sound week
as no new banks were added to the list nor were there any failures. 
Note: this is an unofficial list of Problem Banks compiled only from public sources. 
Here is the unofficial problem bank list for Apr 1, 2011.
This is a sortable list.
You can see your own state
and divide and conquer you lack of knowledge.
Have some fun.
before we go over a thousand!
Unofficial Problem Bank List at 985 Institutions

Freddie Mac mortgage interest rates inch up this week = Bumpy ride for Treasuries in first quarter + Mortgage Applications Dip 7.5% in US + MBA: Mortgage Demand Down As Rates Rise Last Week

not see that what was taking off like a rocket..., stalled out...,@ 5%
Bcuz RE mortgage rates are tied to 10yr TBills,
the "run" by foreign banks from them drove yield up.
Why they started to run, and why they stopped, is unknown.
But, what had happened is that mortgage rates are relatively stable
@ just under 5%.
The 1st chart shows U.S. the jump, and the plateau we are on.
The next 3 show U.S. different views of current RE mortgage rates.
1st shows U.S. the decline over the last two months.
2nd is the MSNBC chart that shows U.S. weekly not only the current FMac rates
but where they fit in a 5 year view
3rd is the weekly Paper Economy chart which shows U.S. both 30 & 15yr rates
The next three Sold on Top charts from The Paper Economy blog
show U.S. not only MBA mortgage apps, but, this is a big but...
they show U.S. a "refinance index" AND a purchase index
along with the composite that you will usually see.
This IS significant, bcuz which is going up and which is going down
and by how much is very different depending on the movement in RE rates.
Since they do move independently, and since the refi index is much more volitile
this separation is much like that for single home vs multi-unit starts.
Not showing U.S. them separately simply distorts in info we need.
Sold is one of very few that do that for U.S.
bonds, treasuries, qe2, inflation
alt text
30-year fixed mortgage rates chart


Freddie Mac mortgage interest rates inch up this week
Bumpy ride for Treasuries in first quarter

Friday, April 1, 2011

Analyst Blog: Jobs Report in Depth, pt. 1, 2 and 3

see something interesting...
but be far to busy to read the full explanation...
While we have oft told you about the great charts from CR, and others.
we have not mentioned oft enough the very good analyses that are put out by by: Dirk van Dijk, CFA, @ Zacks.
Below are his borrowed charts.
Below that are his most recent explanatory articles about "employment".
These are must reads.





Analyst Blog  
Jobs Report in Depth, pt. 1
Jobs Report In-Depth, pt. 2,+pt.+2
Jobs Report In-Depth, pt. 3

Jobs Picture Brightened Slightly in March with 216,000 Added + As Jobs Improve, Long-Term Unemployment Remains a Big Problem

mis-read The News that sweeping the Nation...
These are a set of jobs/UI charts that must be seen.
There are a couple of articles that must be read.
Fail Not, at your peril.

According to Colin Barr @ Fortune in "Job seekers' lost decade" there are 7 million of U.S. less employed than at W's peak. There are no more currently employed and there are 30 million more of U.S. than when W was elected.

This is supported by Ms C's article in Economix: "A Long, Slow Slog Back to Normal"
and by Bill@CR's chart @

According to Ms C - IF job growth was up to 450K per month, we would be back to "W's normal" by the end of BO's current term in office.
Not even ONE (1) month in the last decade has created that many jobs.

The average is equal to the current level.

At the current level - this month and last - we will not be back to "W's normal" until AFTER the term of whichever President succeeds BO - 2016.

So, where, precisely, Daniel, is all that progress you think you see?

As they said in the Emergency Room: "We know that you aren't/can't be bleeding to death, bcuz you appear to be still alive!"

We trust, of course, that our comment to your prior post will be accepted as an April Fools Joke.

True, our mother's did warn us that someday we would probably go blind; but this post suggests that you are not there, yet.

My problem with your problem is that you STILL are looking at what "They" are telling U.S. about "The UN-employment Problem".

What you do NOT see - true, Daniel, not bcuz you are not looking; but bcuz they are hiding it from U.S. - is The Fact that when we compare the number of people who ARE working, with the number of U.S. more now, the numbers simply do NOT compute - unless you admit that there are almost unbelievably large number of U.S. who would love to find/have a job, and cannot.

Let me be Frank with you - oh, we know, we always get to be frank:

What if all of those lost souls DID have jobs; and were paying taxes? Into local, state & federal budgets? Into SS, Medicaid and Medicare? Into Walmart & Best Buy, et al?

Where would all of U.S. be now?

The most obvious solution to (y)our problemS is to cut even more; and closer to the bone.

Or, so thought "The Circumcised Cynic".

Disirregardless, Daniel, great two article.
duration stats 2011-03.png
Jobs Picture Brightened Slightly in March with 216,000 Added
As Jobs Improve, Long-Term Unemployment Remains a Big Problem

Government Foreclosure Prevention Reports More Lackluster Results + aka, a total failure, as they intended

believe them, when they say that they only did "it" to you...
bcuz they loveD (doing it to?) you.
This is possibly the most disgusting thing that Timidly Getmore, and Barack, have done to U.S.

Given (?) to U.S. by them, & the ridiculously low results, tis impossible to argue - although they still will/do; or believe - which none of U.S. did/or/do; that they ever had any intention for this to work. Was no more, or less, than "a cover up" of bankster fraud.

When Richard Nixon was caught lying to U.S., he had the decency left, or is that being right, to resign.

Not only will TG-etmore not resign, nor will BO-blivious fire him, but both will be richly - both figuratively and literally - rewarded for this "fraud in the inception", "fraud in the execution", and "grossly negligent" and intentional fraud.

Not only did TG-etmine and BO-bscurate NOT increase any of the taxes on the richest of U.S., they intentionally transferred Trillions of US$ from (y)our pockets into their friends. The poorest of U.S. who voted for BO have not suffered all that much -we had nothing left to loose. The richest - both those who paid to put BO into office, and those who voted against him - have reaped stunning amounts of cash & equity.

The once, and never more, middle class has been literally and figuratively skewered (sp).


Government Foreclosure Prevention Reports More Lackluster Results

Job seekers' lost decade = A solid jobs report is nothing to scoff at nowadays, but here goes.

not see that the hole that Bill@CR shows U.S. is not the totally bad story.
Look at the number when W was elected = 132,500,000 employed.
Three years later W eliminated 2,500,000 of U.S.
At the end, W had reduced U.S. to 129,000,000 employed.
and 7 million south of their peak levels in 08
As Colin Barr points out to U.S., a lost decade.
Slicing it up another way, over the past decade the United States has added 30 million residents, without making any accommodation for how they might earn their way in the world. No wonder the Fed thinks we have bigger worries than inflation.But it wouldn't be a rainy Friday in New York without a dose of economic gloom. Take a look at the above chart, inspired by Rosenberg's comment that U.S. payrolls remain below their level of January 2000 -- and 7 million south of their peak levels reached in the late stages of the housing bubble.

The lost decade: Not just for Japan anymore
Job seekers' lost decade
A solid jobs report is nothing to scoff at nowadays, but here goes.

Jobs Report: March Springs back= U.S. Economy Adds 216,000 Jobs In March

mis-construe what the numbers & charts are telling U.S.
What the 1st chart shows U.S. is that while jobs are increasing, payrolls are not. Meaning more people, less hours and/or less money - each.
What the 2nd chart shows U.S. is that we have had two mediocre months after one very bad one.
What the 3rd chart shows U.S. is that we dug ourselves into a very deep hole. And we are not getting ourselves any where near out of it, yet.
What the 4the chart shows U.S. is that even at a rate slightly above this months, it will not be until AFTER the next Presidential term, or by 2016, until we are simply back to where we were when W left office, and U.S. in this mess.
What the 5th NYT chart shows U.S. is that IF we grew by 500k each month, which we have not done in any month over the last decade, we would get back to almost normal, aka W's level, by the next election. That, however, will not happen. [note: that chart does not cover population growth.]
What the Interactive map and BLS chart show U.S. is that the West Coast, and the Rocky Mountain states; and the South; are much worse off than the rest of U.S. 
Interactive: U.S. unemployment rate by state
The U.S. economy created 216,000 jobs in March, the government reported Friday. The unemployment rate dropped a tenth of a point to 8.8%, the lowest since March 2009. Here is a look at state-by-state unemployment rates in February, the most recent available.
Unemployment Rates for States

Unemployment Rates for States
Monthly Rankings
Seasonally Adjusted
Feb. 2011p