Saturday, November 13, 2010

Five Jobless Workers Per Opening in September

not know or see or care...
how bad it really is out there

The 1st chart is from CR and shows us how dynamic it is out there
While layoff & quits are amost equal to new hires, that will not bring down UI claims

What MsC at Economix shows U.S. is
first how bad it is for those looking for a new job
second, WHERE the jobs are to be found.
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey
Five Jobless Workers Per Opening in September

Commitment to Development

not wonder why tis the most wealthy per capita countries...
that contribute the most to assist others.

Tis the Scandahouvians that do the most...
and New Zealand & Australia???

Even Canada, the UK, Germany, Ireland & Portugal do more than U.S.
and Ireland & Portugal are flat broke.
Commitment to Development Index 2009
Commitment to Development

China's Trade Surplus Jumps Ahead of G-20 Leaders' Summit

yell at them, for no good reason
Import growth outpaces China's exports in Oct
China's Trade Surplus Jumps Ahead of G-20 Leaders' Summit

US monthly trade deficit fell in September 2010

not see what happened to U.S. prior to the G-20 summit.

Once again, one of the best articles on this issue
with a very good chart
is from FinFacts in Irelands.
Go figure.

U.S. Trade Exports Imports
U.S. Trade Deficit

US monthly trade deficit fell in September 2010

Chart of the week: China’s surplus is not as big as it seems + The G20’s seven pillars of friction

not see what this interesting charts shows U.S.

----------    Comment by

JGBellHimself | November 10 8:19am
Having followed the trade surpluses of Canada, Mexico and Venezuela with U.S. which are based on oil, we noticed that excluding China ALL of the other major "surplus countries" are oil exporters. And, we note that the two largest oil importers are now China and U.S.

So, China is using U.S. to pay for their oil and create jobs, while selling U.S. our Christmas toys at Walmart.
Ingram Pinn illustration
Surplus versus deficit countries
Manipulators vs manipulated
Tighteners vs splurgers
Democracies vs autocracies
West vs the rest
Interventionists vs souverainistes
Big vs small
Chart of the week: China’s surplus is not as big as it seems
The G20’s seven pillars of friction

World Energy Outlook 2010: China will lead rise in world energy demand over next 25 years Rising use of coal will undermine efforts to limit global warming

not see that China is upsetting the balance of nature...
and of power (no pun intended) also.

G-20 is meeting.
They are NOT talking about this.

What you may, permissive, find interesting is that FinFacts
from Ireland IS writing about this.


World Energy Outlook 2010:
China will lead rise in world energy demand over next 25 years Rising use of coal will undermine efforts to limit global warming

Consumer Debt, Delinquency Rates, Foreclosures and Bankruptcie

not realize that with debt comes foreclosures and bankruptcies, too

Foreclosures and bankruptcies both remain high.
Consumers in collections are continuing to rise.
California still the worst, but New Jersey is rising.
It's mainly about mortgages everywhere.
Nevada has the biggest problem with serious delinquencies.
Mortgage debt late by state is improving everywhere.
Texas and Illinois are seeing slightly rising foreclosures.
A Fantastic Overview Of What's Happening

A Fantastic Overview Of What's Happening To America's Love Affair With Deb = Q3 Declines in Consumer Debt, Delinquency Rates, Foreclosures and Bankruptcies

not see that we are not only buried in debt
but that has not changed for most of U.S.

That said, these new FED charts are very interesting.
Debt is declining, but very slowly.
Credit cards have seen the steepest decline since the recession.
Account closures are starting to decline, while new opening are flat lining.
Mortgages are still in decline, auto loans seeing an uptick.
Credit limits are beginning to head up again.
While those current with payments is rising slowly, severely bad delinquencies remain high.
Student loans are seeing a continued rise in delinquencies, a sign the unemployment problem is hitting America's graduates.
A small uptick in overall delinquencies, but not much since Q2.
A Fantastic Overview Of What's Happening To America's Love Affair With Debt
Q3 Declines in Consumer Debt, Delinquency Rates, Foreclosures and Bankruptcies
Click here for the FULL Fed Report (pdf)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Economic Recovery? Food Stamp Program Tells Another Tale

or be blinded to reality....

Not being able to buy food for yourself and/or your family is the cruelest crisis.
Providing "breakfast" for ALL school aged children saves lives and minds.
But many, even at Seeking Alpha, suggest that we cannot afford UI benefits and especially food stamp programs.
Subsidize farmers, YES !!!
Subsidize food for our children..., NO.

America IS a "Christian" nation...
or so we are told.
Jesus said:
"What you do unto the least of these, you do unto me."

According to Muslim teachings /every one of the faithful MUST give to the poor.
Of course, WE..., in America, are better than they are.



Economic Recovery? Food Stamp Program Tells Another Tale

Today's Unemployment Situation Far Worse Than Previous Worst: 1980s Double Dip Recession

or miss The Point...
While much of what we see and read about the economy is "argumentative" or biased, sometime even that can be rather stunning.
Workers unemployed 27 weeks or more increase to 6.206 million or 41.8% of all unemployed workers while the median number of weeks unemployed increased to 21.20 weeks and the average stay on unemployment increased to 33.9 weeks.
Looking at the charts below you can see that today’s sorry situation far exceeds even the conditions seen during the double-dip recessionary period of the early 1980s, long considered by economists to be the worst period of unemployment since the Great Depression.
We could not have said it better, or worse.




Today's Unemployment Situation Far Worse
Than Previous Worst: 1980s Double Dip Recession
Scary Unemployment -
Some of the most frightening unemloyment data!

Who Do You Trust on Unemployment Stats: BLS or ADP?

miss a very important point...

BLS uses a survey.
ADP talks to their private employer clients
Very different.

But, when we REALLY look at them, we see that BLS is consistently more upbeat than ADP.

Far more important is the fact that as of right now, they are going in quite different directions - and telling U.S. a very different story

Who Do You Trust on Unemployment Stats: BLS or ADP?

The Fallacy of Headlines: Is the Jobs Report Really Bullish?

not see what this "re-viewer" sees for U.S.
The 1st two charts show U.S. a comparison of who IS vs who is NOT employed. What we are usually told about is how many are collecting UI benefits. What we forget is the number of U.S. that still have jobs is lower.
since April, we experienced successive drops in the number of employed people and the October one is the largest so far in 2010:
330,000 fewer people have a job in America today compared to the previous month
And at the end of the day, that's what counts for the economy:
how many people have an income they can spend.
The 2nd two charts show U.S. a quite different view of who is NOT working. The 3rd one below shows U.S. the number of long-term unemployed. This is variable, due to the huge swing in job losses in the winter of 08
around 6.1 Million people out of work more than 6 months.
The last chart shows "the discouraged" - since we quite hiring them, they have quit looking. Many simply quit living, normally or at all.
They are the "hidden jobless".
that does not mean they have money to spend to get the economy going.
when one scratches beyond the surface, the picture is not that pretty.
The Fallacy of Headlines: Is the Jobs Report Really Bullish?

Three sets of charts with very different perspetives

not see the opposing views...
The 1st two charts show U.S. how the variability in monthly swings get smoothed out by the full UI rate.
There are problems with this, however, one is that the UI rate has removed so many that have dropped out of the search for work that it masks the change that makes. Another is that the trend of new claims is ignored. That said, what this UI chart shows U.S. is that we are going nowhere, fast.
The 2nd two charts show U.S. where we really are both as to population growth AND the loss of jobs. We are going to take years to dig out of this mess.
The 3rd two charts show how much difference in the two types of BLS surveys. Not much.
And the last chart shows U.S. the change for private vs public job growth & loss.