Sunday, April 25, 2010

Car-leasing deals shift back into high gear

wonder where the money for this suddenly came from....

While these factoid may not SEEM to be all that significant, they are...
what caused the financial collapse of GM, Ford, et al....
was the collapse of their fleet - the rental car markets - sales
the collapse of their leasing programs.

Especially the large truck & SUV vehicles.
Bcuz the value of and cost of owning one was more than they were worth...
every body refused to buy them at the end of the leases...
there was NO re-sale market for them - at those prices.

The result was a massive loss on returned lease vehicles.

THAT occurred before the housing collapse.

What these two articles suggest to U.S. is that THAT is now about all over.

However, you DO need to look at WHAT they are leasing.

IF they are leasing out big, gas guzzlers, again..., well...
But, if they are leasing out hybrids, e-cars, and efficient SUVs...
WELL..., now..., THAT will be something quite different.


Car-leasing deals shift back into high gear


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