Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just when you thought it was safe: Foreclosures spike

not see/read the more bad news...
"The Truth will set you free..." 

The first article says it best...
Just when you thought it was safe...
     Foreclosures spike
     Jobless claims surge
     1 in 5 small businesses is 'sinking'
     States have $89 billion gap

This IS what "They" call an "L" shaped recovery.
Not pretty, but it IS what is.

Everything is now flat.
Not exactly what Thomas Friedman meant when he told U.S.
"The World is now Flat"
bcuz, now the world is NOT flat.

Some, like China, India, Singapore, Brazil are now growing, fast, again.
However, the G-5 is not !!

Power has and will continue to shift.

Foreclosures still haunt market
Just when you thought it was safe: Foreclosures spike
Jobless claims in another surprise surge
States have $89 billion gap
More pain coming: State budget gap is $89 billion

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