Thursday, May 6, 2010

Step 1, 2 and 3 = RE interest rates should drop

not see the Shiites running down hill...

Step One =
the yield on 10 year TBills drive/set the RE mortgage interest rates for U.S.

They dropped today..., a lot.

Step Two =

The drop in TBills this week will drop FMac's RE mortgage rates next week.

Step Three =

The increase in mortgage lending applications will occur the following week.

If both reported apps are up, and rates are down..., now.
they SHOULD get better next week.

We - you and U.S. - will see what we see..., then.

Treasurys soar on 'panic buying spree'

Mortgage Rates Dip to Six Week Low

Mortgage Applications up This WeekRefinance Activity Down


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