Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Job Market for Immigrants = The Unemployment Rate Race

assume that, as bad as you think it is for you...
it is never as bad for "them"...

Sadly, tain true.
However, what these two NYT charts - there from "Catherine", NOT the news people - show U.S. is that what has happened to U.S. is very different from what happened to "Them".

What we are seeing is a huge increase in unemployment for older people, and for a much longer period of time. They are not only out of a job, but out of "work" - possibly for ever.

This is an "economic shift" of immense proportions.
Not only are we dumping "immigrants", but we are also dumping our parents.

The immigrants cannot "retire" on SS, our parent are doing just that.
Massive increase in apps for SS, massive decrease in people paying INTO their SS.

What was an "incoming" flood, is now of Noah's dimension.
The Job Market for Immigrants
The Unemployment Rate Race

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