Saturday, September 11, 2010

Commercial Property Losses Mount as Loan Servicers Triage Real Estate Debt

not know if this is the beginning of the end...
or the end of the beginning.
What we have heard, but not seen, yet...
is the write down of commercial RE.
Why not, is a very good question.
One suggested answer is that most of current Cmcl RE loans are 5 yr balloons that did not have to be repaid or refinanced until this year and next. They tell U.S. that 75% of current Cmcl RE loans must be by the end of next year.
Another suggestion is that most Cmcl RE loans are held by small, local banks - you know, the ones on the FDIC problem list. They do not have enough "equity" left to write off these loans. If they do, they fold.
These two article do not show U.S. any charts, but they DO provide you with what probably is the best available current info on the problem.
Commercial Property Losses Mount as Loan Servicers Triage Real Estate Debt
U.S. Retail Space Availability to Drop in 2011
CB Richard Says

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