Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chart of the week: China’s surplus is not as big as it seems + The G20’s seven pillars of friction

not see what this interesting charts shows U.S.

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JGBellHimself | November 10 8:19am
Having followed the trade surpluses of Canada, Mexico and Venezuela with U.S. which are based on oil, we noticed that excluding China ALL of the other major "surplus countries" are oil exporters. And, we note that the two largest oil importers are now China and U.S.

So, China is using U.S. to pay for their oil and create jobs, while selling U.S. our Christmas toys at Walmart.
Ingram Pinn illustration
Surplus versus deficit countries
Manipulators vs manipulated
Tighteners vs splurgers
Democracies vs autocracies
West vs the rest
Interventionists vs souverainistes
Big vs small
Chart of the week: China’s surplus is not as big as it seems
The G20’s seven pillars of friction

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