Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cost of health care

miss out on the BLS charts of the week...

The 1st chart shows U.S. the dramatic increase in the cost of health care over W's term in office. It has doubled.

The 2nd chart in interesting, bcuz it shows U.S. that younger men & women are more closely paid the same wages. Is that bcuz the older folks were primarily men, and that when women entered the work force they started off being paid less and never have caught up? If not, what is the explanation.

The 3rd & 4th charts are also very interesting.
The 3rd shows U.S. how different parts of the country are effected somewhat differently - with the West/Pacific Coast being the hardest hit.
The 4th shows U.S. the volatility in new UI jobless claims.
Note how much improved the East North Central is compared with the West/Pacific Coast.
Out West we not only had the highest UI rate, but we are still getting hammered - double any other area.

Health benefit costs, dollars per hour worked, private industry, March 1999–March 2009
Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by age and sex, third quarter 2010
Unemployment rate by geographic region and division, September 2009 and September 2010, seasonally adjusted
Initial claimants for unemployment insurance, by census region and division, not seasonally adjusted, September 2009 & September 2010

The Editor's Desk - this week

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