Thursday, December 2, 2010

putbacks could surpass robo-signing mortgage controversy = One-third of Fannie, Freddie mortgage repurchase requests 120 days or older

not even care how bad the situation is for The Big Bad Bailed Out Banks...

What we are, now, finally being told is what FMae&FMac are sending back to the BBBoBs

Please, note, that these are showing U.S. the charts ONLY for FMae&FMac.
They made most of their questionable RE loans very late in The Game.
So, there numbers are worse for 07, then 06, they 05
The Wall Street investment banks made most of their bad ARM and subprime RE loans between 03 and 07 - they started much earlier and made a lot more bad loans. Those numbers are not only NOT reflected here, they are almost impossible to find, anywhere.

After the end of non-agency bad ARM and subprime loans, the mortgage brokers switched over to making bad FHA and VA loans. Again, those numbers are NOT shown here

However, what IS very important is that FMae&FMac now ARE sending back the bad RE loans that were sent to them. Will this bail them out? Who knows?
Will this cause the BBBoBanks a world of hurt, you betcha!!!

First Horizon Repurchase Q2 2010
putbacks could surpass robo-signing mortgage controversy
One-third of Fannie, Freddie mortgage repurchase requests 120 days or older

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