Saturday, January 1, 2011

Problem Banks: Stress by State + Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 935 Institutions

absolutely KNOW that "Go West Young Man" did NOT mean this...!!!
Of the top 10 most stressed out banks by state, eight (8) are on the West Coast.
All seven states West of the Rockies are listed. Every single one of U.S.
When ranking markets with a minimum of 15 institutions at year-end 2007, Arizona has experienced the most stress with 45.6 percent of its institutions having failed or being identified as a problem. Washington is a close second at 45.4 percent. The other stressed banking states that rank in the top ten include Nevada (43 percent), Oregon (40 percent), Florida (37 percent), Georgia (34 percent), California (34 percent), Utah (32 percent), Idaho (26 percent), and Colorado (25 percent). 
The Unofficial Problem Bank List did NOT reach 1,000.
Obviously, we should have tried harder.
Here is the unofficial problem bank list for Dec 31, 2010.
Problem Banks: Stress by State
Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 935 Institutions

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