Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rail Traffic in 2010 Up 7.3% Year-over-Year + AAR: Rail Traffic increases in December

think that most bulk & container cargo is shopped by truck...
when tis sent by rail from LA, Oakland and Sea-Tac
The 2 sets of charts below are from CR and Econintersect.
Same data source, AAR
but not only a different view, but also a different comparative interpretation.
We have come a long way back from the 08 bottom
but, we are not yet back to where we were.
Please, read both articles.
There is a truly stunning interactive chart from the AAR - Americana Association of Railroads
not only does it show originations & terminations - by state, but also by commodity.
click on your state, and see...!
See the importance of the U.S. freight railroad industry to all 50 U.S. states and the nation as a whole
Rail Traffic
Rail Traffic
Rail Traffic in 2010 Up 7.3% Year-over-Year
AAR: Rail Traffic increases in December

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