Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MBA: Mortgage Purchase Application activity decreases + Housing Starts decrease sharply in Feb + Multi-Family Housing Starts and Completions

thing that "housing starts" means that things are really picking up....
Below, we noted the decline in TBill yields & next weeks mortg rates.
However, these charts from CR show U.S. that mort apps went down, again.
And, while CR does now separate 1units from mutli, what the 2nd chart does not show U.S. as well as it might is the 46% drop in multis this month. Huge drop.
That does appear better in the 3rd chart.
The 4th chart shows both starts & completions for Multis.
While completions trail starts, note that starts have recently been increasing, but that does not appear yet in completions.
MBA Purchase Index
Total Housing Starts and Single Family Housing Starts
Total Housing Starts and Single Family Housing Starts
Multifamily Starts and completions
MBA: Mortgage Purchase Application activity decreases
Housing Starts decrease sharply in February
Multi-Family Housing Starts and Completions

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