Saturday, May 28, 2011

Seriously Delinquent Homeowners Undermine Hopes of a Market Recovery + April 2011 Existing Home Sales A Mediocre Start to the High Buying Season

assume that the problem(s) all went away...
The 1st two charts and article show U.S. that not only is there a huge supply, possibly as many as a million, of home "occupiers" who are not paying anything on there delinquent mortgages.
These are people who have had an NOD given to them, and are fully IN foreclosure.
This does NOT show U.S. those not yet admitted to the process.
The 2nd chart shows U.S. something most do not believe - that non-judicial states are as slow as judicial states. While NY and Fla are much slower, just below them are states with the same time frames as the slowest non-judicial states.
Sadly, Fla has just eliminated its Rocket Docket funding, so there time will be dramatically extended.
Which means those NVNP = not vacant, not paying, home "occupants" will get to camp out for a lot longer.
In the 2nd two charts Keith Jurow shows U.S. how bad existing home sales are.
Like with Jim@CR when you see the monthly sales side by side
you see that we are so far down we can't see how to get back up.
And, what ALL reports now are telling/showing U.S. home prices are double-dipping.
This could be a very ugly year.




Seriously Delinquent Homeowners Undermine Hopes of a Market Recovery
April 2011 Existing Home Sales A Mediocre Start to the High Buying Season

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