Thursday, June 30, 2011

Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims June 30 = the 12th straight week with initial claims above 400,000, and the 4-week average is at about the same the level as in January

think that Calculated Risk and the Paper Economy show U.S. it all...
and be too Far Right..., and XXX rated.
"They" have been telling you - you, me and U.S. - that tis getting better.
"We" - primarily me - have been telling you that THIS is an "L" shaped recovery.
This is what Bill@CR says it looks like, to him.
the 12th straight week with initial claims above 400,000
the 4-week average is at about the same the level as in January
This is "trouble" spelled with a "T", too Far Right here in River City.
Note: we have added an article that is very thorough in its analysis of the full range of unemployment issues.
Worth reading.



Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims June 30
Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims decline slightly to 428,000
Analyst Blog: Initial Claims Fall Slightly

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