find away to read/see the NYT in spite or even bcuz of their new limits
While your point is very well taken, you missed something - who was being hired,
and to do what? And, who now are being fired, and what were they doing?
Were it only that simple, but tis not.
Permit me to introduce you to Ms C, (y)our fearless leader - who appears 2 B much more attractive than you do - who has pointed out the Man-cession and now the He-covery!
First, the man-cession was primarily in private non-farm employment, especially construction/male dominated jobs; and neither men nor women in government jobs - like teachers - were being fired. Today, as Ms C points out men are being hired more than women in non-public jobs; however now government cuts are primarily women.
Second, few of you "GD EE-con-omists!!" point out that most of the expanded government hiring was for police, fire and prison employment - primarily men.
And, on the Federal level for "defense spending" - again primarily men.
Most of the cut backs have NOT been in police, fire and prison employment, or defense spending - those GD men - yet. But in social and educational services - aka, those "Thespian" type woe-men - we know Thespians when we see/represent them.
Third, the long term unemployed so far have been primarily men. The newly created long term unemployed are women.
Now, while we DO support equal rights and equal pay for woe-men - and although we still have some doubts about why we men gave (oh, we know) woemen the ability to vote (oh, we know, that one too) - we, and we recommend it to you, note:
The First wave, was men; the Second wave is now women; and when we bring the Boys Home, the Third wave will be more men, again.
Oh, and David, way out West in the separate(d) Californication Nation, they are absolutely terrified of the incoming Tsunami Seventh Wave!
NHCt, you asked: "(Obama) seems to be acting as if the state of the economy will have no impact on his reelection."
It won't, he is already toast. The major, if not only, goal of the Republicans in Congress is to eliminate Obama, mission has been accomplished. The fact that they might, accidentally, eliminated the rest of U.S., is only our collateral (is that a pun?) damage.
Now, as for YOU, David, the Lion Hearted, would you consider the possibility that we were correct, that the economy did NOT bottom out. That what we were, and still are, in is a classic "L" shaped recovery - both in jobs creation and in loss of housing equity.
With each slight movement, the screams that, "its now all over and we all will live happily every after", and "the end of the world is now - when the Mayans said it is", are simply economically wrong.
Nothing has been fixed, nothing is being done to fix U.S., and we are all Brits, now - muddling through this mess.
Well, yes, my dear Ms C - since both hours and earnings are also down, the cost of labor for those who still have a job is down, so we might not have to do what Casey at the Bat-tle said we must do - cut back on what we are paying the least of these.
As we learned in Vietnam, sometimes tis necessary to destroy the village in order to save it. And, if destroying one village is good, destroying all of them must be better. Ask The Head Case(y) if that's not what he is saying and is Right?
And, since he is a tenured faculty economist, he probably does not have to care on the one hand, or even on the other. Not having a care in the world is good, is it not.
Ms C, as for the rest of U.S., remember Janis Joplin's and Kris Kristofferson's song/observation: "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose/ Nothing ain't worth nothing but it's free"
Ms C, as for the rest of U.S., remember Janis Joplin's and Kris Kristofferson's song/observation: "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose/ Nothing ain't worth nothing but it's free"
One of the things we learned in our divorce practice was, at some point, there is no good reason to stay in a marriage - nothing will change, you will only end up hating each other, or hurting your children, even more.
Today, we all may need to accept the economic and the political Facts Of Life that there is no good reason to continue to support or believe in either Obama or Congressional Republicans - nothing will change, they will not, even if they knew how or could, do anything to assist U.S. individually or as a country out of this mess.
Ms C, we found it odd that learning that you ARE going to be divorced, or that you ARE about to die, can be very liberating. Worrying about it makes absolutely no difference. So, they just stopped; sat back and relaxed.
The time has come, the walrus said, to admit that there is NO "leadership" in this country, and we might as well declare ourselves "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, we are free at last." Of ALL of them.
The "Good News" may now be, simply, to get on with our own personal, private lives, as best we can. And, pay absolutely no attention to them. They were, are and will be irrelevant to U.S.
Searching for a Silver Lining
Overly Optimistic, Once Again
The Cost of Austerity
Comparing Recessions and Recoveries: Job Changes
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