Saturday, August 6, 2011

For those who hate "economics", here is what you missed: Summary for Week ending August 5th

think that you, too, can read all the news that anyone needs to know
about The Week in Economics...
by speed reading
Summary for Week ending August 5th
by Bill@CR
Of course, you can do that.
Not just, like you used Case Notes in law school, when you couldn't read the book
after using CliffsNotes literature notes and study guides to get through college classes
crib notes - written on the hand, arm, or legs to assist in cheating on quizzes and exams
Besides, wouldn't you really rather have
another drink of beer, or wine, or something stronger...
while you wait for your medical marijuana to be delivered
or grow up in the basement
and/or the attic, bcuz you like to be higher.
Summary for Week ending August 5th

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