Saturday, October 8, 2011

Phoenix Home Price Index by Price Level

think that all AZ's are equal...
As John Wake points out this IS fascinating.
The two highest priced tiers stopped climbing earlier than the bottom tier.
AND, the bottom tier not only topped out higher
but, then dropped the most.
What is also interesting is that the middle tier dropped less than the highest tier.
However, we MUST remember that this is Case-Shiller a repeat sales index
which means the foreclosures had a HUGE impact on the lowest tier.
And, that the sales of mid and higher tiers have collapsed.
No sales means NO records in CS to view.
Tier Breakpoints (July 2011)
Low Tier – Up to $94,859
Middle Tier – $94,859 – $167,547
High Tier – $167,547 and up

Phoenix Home Price Index by Price Level

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