Monday, November 7, 2011

Sluggish Growth and Payroll Employment

not fell like you are falling..., said Alice to Dorothy..., all over ourKansas...
Or as CR points out we will NOT dig our way out of this one for another 4 years, merely to put back to work those that WERE working 4 years ago.
Then we will need to FIND jobs for the millions of new entrants.
So, by then end of the NEXT Presidents "Term in Office (or is that Jail?)" we will be "back to normal".
It will not happen.
Sorry, you; sorry, me; sorry, U.S.
If we continue to see sluggish growth with 125,000 payroll jobs added per month (the pace this year),
it will take an additional 52 months just to get back to the pre-recession level of payroll employment
And this doesn't include population growth and new entrants into the workforce (the workforce has continued to grow).


Sluggish Growth and Payroll Employment

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