assume that all you need is a little more sleep....
First, we apologize for taking a few weeks "sabbatical".
Not only were we unable to post economic charts....
we were unable to look for them on the Net.
and save them in GMail.
There were two serious reasons why we could not...
they follow in order below.
How much we we be able to do, now...
we will see, going forward.
Finding, and then understanding, relevant and significant Real Estate and economics articles with charts and/or graphs is difficult and time consuming. But, it needs to be done at this time, in this market, and especially in Arizona.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Passing out is SO-O-O-O embarrassing..., possible even fatal
assume that your body is not "talking" to you.
And, if it was not a heart attack, what is really wrong.
"To (continue) to be, or not to be...
that is the question."
Passing out is SO-O-O-O embarrassing..

assume that your body is not "talking" to you.
And, if it was not a heart attack, what is really wrong.
"To (continue) to be, or not to be...
that is the question."
Passing out is SO-O-O-O embarrassing..
Passing out is bad enough....
but in front of the Desert Storm CR service desk
inside a Walmart..., MOG.
Everything seemed normal when we entered the store to cash our SS checks.
but standing in line, we suddenly felt dizzy.
To get our blood pumping, we started to push up & down to our tiptoes...
that was a mistake, and probably the proximate cause of my passing out.
We did think that blood in our legs would help us stand.
All of "Those Walmart People"...
"looking down" ON me!!
And, then it got a whole lot worse...
forget Murphy's Law:
"If anything can go wrong, it will"
and at the most inopportune time.
forget Murphy's Law:
"If anything can go wrong, it will"
and at the most inopportune time.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Bad news on Phoenix area home valuations, but next year may be better
assume that what is missing....
will not cost you anything.


For the areas most hard hit by foreclosures, and most underwater, the "all cash buyers" and the banksters feeding them only as fast as they are buying them, have agreed upon a "minimum AZ price" that is now giving those areas a "floor". That floor is not about to change, up or down, now.
For homes that were priced higher than the bulk of the foreclosed homes, there have been few if any buyers - not even for the banksters foreclosures. Those owners are still deeply underwater, and if they want to "buy a buyer" they have to take a huge loss - sometimes having to come up with cash out of their own pocket to buy down their existing mortgages.
Banksters are not currently foreclosing on those homes, for two reasons: first, if they do, they cannot sell them; and two, they will have to "book" that loss, find cash somewhere else to satisfy the FDIC that they are not BK, and then even pay out money to "maintain" - as in protect them from being trashed - them.
Just bcuz you can't hear those "dogs" barking..., does not mean that they do not have their heads down between their paws, whimpering/crying..., each month, all the way to their bank/lender.
The problem is that those bonds contain protection for the lenders that require local and state official to raise taxes if it is necessary to pay in full the current amount due.
Be careful what you ask for, bcuz you just got it.
assume that what is missing....
will not cost you anything.
Feb-20 @ 10:28 PM
It was "ICKy" of you to point out my needing to do more research.
What we did look at, however, was Mike Ord's Cromford Report that pointed out to all of U.S. that at the beginning of 2011 most - over 75% - of properties at foreclosure sales were taken back by the lender. And, as we all know, later listed with the MLS.
However, at the end of 2011 that had almost totally stopped. And, the purchases of foreclosed homes by Third Parties - aka, all cash investors - was greater in number and almost 100% of all sales.
At the same time Mike also pointed out that MLS listings for REOs had dropped from about 8,000 to 2,000 - suggesting to me that the only thing left out there were upper priced foreclosures. Which would also explain why the lenders were not foreclosing on them any more, or taking any more of them back into their REO inventories.
To some that might suggest that, since there are no more REO foreclosures listed on the MLS RE market, that the ONE (1) home you used to support your research, probably could not have been an REO.
To others that might also suggest that if ALL of the least expensive homes being sold now are ONLY sold to all cash investors @ the foreclosure sales, and none from the MLS any more, that over 20% of all home sales are simply NOT reported by the MLS - and all of them are the lowest priced homes.
Now we know how "ICKy" it is to think about, but do you know what happens, statistically, when you remove the bottom 20% of the lowest priced homes from "The Average" sales price?
Well, as every single Realtor, and almost every RE "analyst" not only can, but has been telling you - the average prices are suddenly climbing !!!
So, just as your ONE (1) home sale, and all of Those People are telling U.S.: "Now MUST be the time to buy !!!"
But, don't blame ME if your new home turns out to be worth less than you now going to pay for it.
Feb-18 @ 2:06 AM
Ms. C, there are two undertows that you did not mention.
For the areas most hard hit by foreclosures, and most underwater, the "all cash buyers" and the banksters feeding them only as fast as they are buying them, have agreed upon a "minimum AZ price" that is now giving those areas a "floor". That floor is not about to change, up or down, now.
For homes that were priced higher than the bulk of the foreclosed homes, there have been few if any buyers - not even for the banksters foreclosures. Those owners are still deeply underwater, and if they want to "buy a buyer" they have to take a huge loss - sometimes having to come up with cash out of their own pocket to buy down their existing mortgages.
Banksters are not currently foreclosing on those homes, for two reasons: first, if they do, they cannot sell them; and two, they will have to "book" that loss, find cash somewhere else to satisfy the FDIC that they are not BK, and then even pay out money to "maintain" - as in protect them from being trashed - them.
Just bcuz you can't hear those "dogs" barking..., does not mean that they do not have their heads down between their paws, whimpering/crying..., each month, all the way to their bank/lender.
Feb-18 @ 1:51 AM
Yes, of course. You see they borrowed the money for you to build the jails to house the criminals that you wanted arrested, and some sent off for the rest of their lives to prison.
The problem is that those bonds contain protection for the lenders that require local and state official to raise taxes if it is necessary to pay in full the current amount due.
Be careful what you ask for, bcuz you just got it.
Feb-18 @ 2:32 AM
Oh, and when AZ decided that they could not charge developers or builders for the infrastructure - roads, water & sewer, fire stations, schools, police stations and local courts, and shopping strip mall intersections - to provide "services" to those subdivisions that did, & those that never got built...
you and your government had to borrow the money to build them, for them.
Sadly, when the subdivisions & malls never got built, or never got filled up; and the foreclosures emptied the ones that did;there is no body left to pay the taxes to pay back the bonds. Except for you.
So, once again, YOUR taxes must be raised to pay off bond obligations that YOU created in order that huge profits could be made by developers and builders - before they went BK, of course - while you paid their bills for them.
The Good News, for you, is that all of it is not due today.
The Bad News, for you, is that they are 20-5 year revenue bonds, issued at then very high interest rates, not at current very low rates.
And, if you cannot or refuse to pay your taxes, they can and will foreclose on you and sell your property - to pay for YOUR real estate growth bills.
Just at we all know that mortgage borrowers are morally obligated to pay off all of their mortgage debts..., YOU are legally obligated to pay off those RE debts that you created for someone else. Have a nice day.
Sadly, when the subdivisions & malls never got built, or never got filled up; and the foreclosures emptied the ones that did;there is no body left to pay the taxes to pay back the bonds. Except for you.
So, once again, YOUR taxes must be raised to pay off bond obligations that YOU created in order that huge profits could be made by developers and builders - before they went BK, of course - while you paid their bills for them.
The Good News, for you, is that all of it is not due today.
The Bad News, for you, is that they are 20-5 year revenue bonds, issued at then very high interest rates, not at current very low rates.
And, if you cannot or refuse to pay your taxes, they can and will foreclose on you and sell your property - to pay for YOUR real estate growth bills.
Just at we all know that mortgage borrowers are morally obligated to pay off all of their mortgage debts..., YOU are legally obligated to pay off those RE debts that you created for someone else. Have a nice day.
Ahwatukee | $154,700 | $165,600 | -6.6% |
Avondale | $76,300 | $83,700 | -8.8% |
Buckeye | $69,300 | $74,800 | -7.4% |
Carefree | $406,800 | $409,900 | -0.8% |
Cave Creek | $309,500 | $315,000 | - 1.75% |
Chandler | $127,700 | $136,600 | -6.5% |
El Mirage | $53,500 | $56,800 | -5.8% |
Fountain Hills | $204,600 | $206,000 | -0.7% |
Gila Bend | $26,800 | $30,100 | - 11% |
Gilbert | $143,00 | $143,00 | - 5.6% |
Glendale | $72,100 | $81,000 | -11 % |
Litchfield Park | $131,300 | $141,300 | - 7.1% |
Mesa | $91,500 | $100,700 | -9% |
Paradise Valley | $833,500 | $828,250 | - 0.6% |
Peoria | $108,700 | $118,700 | -8.4% |
Phoenix | $69,000 | $78,300 | -12% |
Scottsdale | $220,500 | $227,000 | -3% |
Sun City | $69,500 | $77,700 | -10.5% |
Surprise | $91,100 | $96,600 | -5.7% |
Tempe | $107,500 | $124,500 | -13.7% |
Tolleson | $32,700 | $33,000 | -0.9% |
Bad news on Phoenix area home valuations
but next year may be better
Friday, February 17, 2012
Say Hello to the GOP's New Favorite Statistic: Workforce Participation
wonder where "stupidity" really lies....
Say Hello to the GOP's New Favorite Statistic: Workforce Participation
wonder where "stupidity" really lies....
Said you, our "crossing over", Jordan:
"The workforce participation rate is a lot more straightforward.
If millions of unemployed Americans throw in the towel and stop looking for jobs, the rate goes down. "
Observed we:
That is simply flat out wrong.
The ONLY thing an unemployed American can DO to change the participation rate is to find and take a new job.
What long-term unemployed Americans now know, that you and the R's apparently do not, is that even when & if they do find a job opportunity, it is no longer open to them. And, since they will never, ever be able to contribute any more into their SS, what the rest of U.S. Americans really need to do is cut their future benefits - so we can cut "some of our" taxes, of course.
Also said you, correctly this time:
The Participation rate:
"it's risen for Americans over the age of 55. It's even higher for those older than 65"
Observe we:
FIRST, there are two very different undertows that will help explain that:
ONE, everyone 62 & above knows that IF they delay retirement, they will be given a large increase in SS each and every year they delay. So, hearing all the talk of cutting SS benefits, they can offset ALL of those negative impacts simply by keeping the job they have for a few more years. The ROI of the delay is huge.
TWO, everyone below 62 who is both - long-term unemployed with little or no hope of ever finding another job, let alone one paying high wages; and who have NO way to delay their SS retirement to obtain the increases in SS others can - also knows that IF their SS is going to be cut, and IF they retire BEFORE they are cut, thereby avoiding the cuts to them, the ROI of taking early SS is huge.
And, that does not even count the free medical benefits of Medicare and Medicaid !!
SECOND, those in the first category do not change the participation rate - they were employed, and they still are employed. Those in the second category do NOT change the participation rate either - they were not employed, they are not going to GET re-employed, AND taking early SS does not change the participate rate either.
THIRD, given the huge hit that older working Americans have taken in the value of their homes and in their personal investments, that they now realize not only has not changed, and probably may never; are, shall we say, "tempted" to hang on to their jobs and income for a few more years to try to minimize the damages to them.
Younger Americans, bcuz they do not loose as much to do it, are going back to school, to re-invent themselves and their skills, in order to seek out better, higher paying jobs - to try to avoid what is happening to their parents. The ROI of their investing in their future is huge.
You do see, do you not, that most Americans are NOT stupid.
Politicians are, by definition; Sunday "talking heads" are, by all the available evidence; R's are, probably by "nature" and defective genes; D's are, probably by "nurture" and Alzheimers - none of them seem to remember what Obama said he would change, or recognize that he lied.
Fourth, since there never has been, are not now and never will be, any lawyers in Heaven; both of the Obamas know that merely lying will not change where they will spend eternity. And, like Flip, they can tell U.S. "...the Devil made me do it !!!"
The Participation rate:
"it's risen for Americans over the age of 55. It's even higher for those older than 65"
Observe we:
FIRST, there are two very different undertows that will help explain that:
ONE, everyone 62 & above knows that IF they delay retirement, they will be given a large increase in SS each and every year they delay. So, hearing all the talk of cutting SS benefits, they can offset ALL of those negative impacts simply by keeping the job they have for a few more years. The ROI of the delay is huge.
TWO, everyone below 62 who is both - long-term unemployed with little or no hope of ever finding another job, let alone one paying high wages; and who have NO way to delay their SS retirement to obtain the increases in SS others can - also knows that IF their SS is going to be cut, and IF they retire BEFORE they are cut, thereby avoiding the cuts to them, the ROI of taking early SS is huge.
And, that does not even count the free medical benefits of Medicare and Medicaid !!
SECOND, those in the first category do not change the participation rate - they were employed, and they still are employed. Those in the second category do NOT change the participation rate either - they were not employed, they are not going to GET re-employed, AND taking early SS does not change the participate rate either.
THIRD, given the huge hit that older working Americans have taken in the value of their homes and in their personal investments, that they now realize not only has not changed, and probably may never; are, shall we say, "tempted" to hang on to their jobs and income for a few more years to try to minimize the damages to them.
Younger Americans, bcuz they do not loose as much to do it, are going back to school, to re-invent themselves and their skills, in order to seek out better, higher paying jobs - to try to avoid what is happening to their parents. The ROI of their investing in their future is huge.
You do see, do you not, that most Americans are NOT stupid.
Politicians are, by definition; Sunday "talking heads" are, by all the available evidence; R's are, probably by "nature" and defective genes; D's are, probably by "nurture" and Alzheimers - none of them seem to remember what Obama said he would change, or recognize that he lied.
Fourth, since there never has been, are not now and never will be, any lawyers in Heaven; both of the Obamas know that merely lying will not change where they will spend eternity. And, like Flip, they can tell U.S. "...the Devil made me do it !!!"
Say Hello to the GOP's New Favorite Statistic: Workforce Participation
Thursday, February 16, 2012
MBA Application Survey – Feb 15
assume that all the PIIGS are equal
the purchase application volume declined 8.4%
the refinance application increased 0.8%
as the next post shows U.S. the mortgage interest rates stayed at their all time lows...!!!
but, purchase apps declined by almost 10%
What's up with this?
MBA Application Survey – Feb 15
assume that all the PIIGS are equal
the purchase application volume declined 8.4%
the refinance application increased 0.8%
as the next post shows U.S. the mortgage interest rates stayed at their all time lows...!!!
but, purchase apps declined by almost 10%
What's up with this?
MBA Application Survey – Feb 15
FMac+MBA = 30-Year Fixed-rate Mortgage Unchanged From All-time Record Low = at 3.87 pct.
wonder if the problem is that RE loans are not being made...
not that they are "affordable"
MBA Reading Rates: Feb 15

30-year mortgage rate stays at record 3.87%
Low rates have done little to boost the struggling housing market
wonder if the problem is that RE loans are not being made...
not that they are "affordable"
MBA Reading Rates: Feb 15
30-year mortgage rate stays at record 3.87%
Low rates have done little to boost the struggling housing market
PE+CR = Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims Feb 16 = Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims decline to 348,000
Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims Feb 16
Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims decline to 348,000
http://www.calculatedriskblog. com/2012/02/weekly-initial- unemployment-claims_16.html


Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims Feb 16
Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims decline to 348,000
Friday, February 10, 2012
Greece’s debt rose to 159.1% of GDP in Q3 of 2011 from 138.8% year earlier; Ireland's rose from 88.4% to 104.9%
not notice that Ireland is sinking, once again...
now, with absolutely nothing to borrow against.
Next year we will be able to buy Jameson's irish whiskey and Guinness really, really cheap.
The Eurozone (EA17) includes Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland.
The EU27 includes Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), the Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE), Estonia (EE), Ireland (IE), Greece (EL), Spain (ES), France (FR), Italy (IT), Cyprus (CY), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Hungary (HU), Malta (MT), the Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Slovenia (SI), Slovakia (SK), Finland (FI), Sweden (SE) and the United Kingdom (UK)
Greece’s debt rose to 159.1% of GDP in Q3 of 2011
from 138.8% year earlier;
Ireland's rose from 88.4% to 104.9%
not notice that Ireland is sinking, once again...
now, with absolutely nothing to borrow against.
Next year we will be able to buy Jameson's irish whiskey and Guinness really, really cheap.
The Eurozone (EA17) includes Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland.
The EU27 includes Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), the Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE), Estonia (EE), Ireland (IE), Greece (EL), Spain (ES), France (FR), Italy (IT), Cyprus (CY), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Hungary (HU), Malta (MT), the Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Slovenia (SI), Slovakia (SK), Finland (FI), Sweden (SE) and the United Kingdom (UK)
Greece’s debt rose to 159.1% of GDP in Q3 of 2011
from 138.8% year earlier;
Ireland's rose from 88.4% to 104.9%
US Trade Deficit now equal to the last year in W's term of office
assume that the recession must be over...
the trade deficit is now as large as it was when the collapse began.
See, we really ARE back to normal.

US goods and services trade deficit was $558.0bn in 2011
- up $58bn on 2010
assume that the recession must be over...
the trade deficit is now as large as it was when the collapse began.
See, we really ARE back to normal.
US goods and services trade deficit was $558.0bn in 2011
- up $58bn on 2010
China's Trade Surplus = up in Dec and for the year and against U.S.
not appreciate the "cushion" that China creates for itself
to protect themselves from U.S. and from Europe
Some notice Germany does that, Canada does that, Japan does that, Russia does that and even Australia does that.
More like U.S. are: Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal - just a bunch of PIIGS.
not appreciate the "cushion" that China creates for itself
to protect themselves from U.S. and from Europe
Some notice Germany does that, Canada does that, Japan does that, Russia does that and even Australia does that.
More like U.S. are: Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal - just a bunch of PIIGS.
Canada's Trade Surplus doubles
not notice that the Loonie is back UP, and so is the Trade Surplus.
not notice that the Loonie is back UP, and so is the Trade Surplus.
German Exports Slump Most Since Jan 09 = exports top trillion euro mark + German Industrial Output Falls Unexpectedly In Dec = Trade Figures Pose Growth Risk
not learn that Germany is throwing out their "baby"...
along with Greece's bathwater.
However, there are those who have been to Greece...
who tell U.S. that The Greeks don't take baths.
Exports down by 4.3% in December. Industrial production down by 2.9% in the same month.
An economy on the skids? It certainly looks that way.
Are we talking about Greece? No. Portugal? Think again.
The economy in question here is Germany,
which has started to post the sort of data that smacks of a double-dip recession in Europe's biggest economy.

German exports fell in December;
Exports rose 11.4% in 2011 to €1.06trn
http://www.finfacts.ie/ irishfinancenews/article_ 1023892.shtml
Austerity is turning Germany into a basket case too
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ business/economics-blog/2012/ feb/08/austerity-germany- basket-case
German Exports Slump Most Since Jan 09
German Industrial Output Falls Unexpectedly In December
Trade Figures Pose Growth Risk
not learn that Germany is throwing out their "baby"...
along with Greece's bathwater.
However, there are those who have been to Greece...
who tell U.S. that The Greeks don't take baths.
Exports down by 4.3% in December. Industrial production down by 2.9% in the same month.
An economy on the skids? It certainly looks that way.
Are we talking about Greece? No. Portugal? Think again.
The economy in question here is Germany,
which has started to post the sort of data that smacks of a double-dip recession in Europe's biggest economy.
German exports fell in December;
Exports rose 11.4% in 2011 to €1.06trn
Austerity is turning Germany into a basket case too
German Exports Slump Most Since Jan 09
German Industrial Output Falls Unexpectedly In December
Trade Figures Pose Growth Risk
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
NP = Envisioning Employment: Employment Situation Jan = Full Time Workers Fully Under Pressure + Recovery-less Recovery: Unemployment Duration + On The Margin: Total Unemployment
Envisioning Employment: Employment Situation Jan
Full Time Workers Fully Under Pressure
Recovery-less Recovery: Unemployment Duration
On The Margin: Total Unemployment
Envisioning Employment: Employment Situation Jan
Full Time Workers Fully Under Pressure
Recovery-less Recovery: Unemployment Duration
On The Margin: Total Unemployment
NP: On The Stamp: Food Stamp Participation Nov
pretend that even after we cut off their UI benefits...
they will still be entitled to, and need, food stamps for their children to eat.
On The Stamp: Food Stamp Participation Nov
pretend that even after we cut off their UI benefits...
they will still be entitled to, and need, food stamps for their children to eat.
On The Stamp: Food Stamp Participation Nov
NP = Economic Jolt: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Dec = BLS: Job Openings increased in December
not notice something VERY important, if true...
"Voluntary Quits" declined sharply in December..!!!
We NEED to know IF it is true and WHY it happened.


Economic Jolt: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Dec
BLS: Job Openings increased in December
not notice something VERY important, if true...
"Voluntary Quits" declined sharply in December..!!!
We NEED to know IF it is true and WHY it happened.

Economic Jolt: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Dec
BLS: Job Openings increased in December
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Nevada's triple economic whammy + Obama's failed promises: Nevada edition
not wonder how their "luck" could have run out so badly...
maybe they should have asked the Casinos to "run the numbers"
before they placed their bets..., on REAL estate...
Nevada's triple economic whammy
Obama's failed promises: Nevada edition
not wonder how their "luck" could have run out so badly...
maybe they should have asked the Casinos to "run the numbers"
before they placed their bets..., on REAL estate...
Nevada has the dubious distinction of leading the nation in
Foreclosure filings and
number of underwater homes.
That's not good for the state's economy.
Since you have admitted that you are a "lawyer", and therefore will end up in Hell, whether you lie or not;
bcuz in all of recorded history - aka, in your law books...
the Old Testament, with all the Jewish lawyers notes in the margin; the New Testament, with all the various Roaming Catholic mandatory "legal" interpretations; and The Koran, with the ONLY true meaning is that in Iran, or possible the Taliban one; or even the Saudi/Sunni one..
and now on the net,
God has never, ever "admitted" a lawyer.
the Old Testament, with all the Jewish lawyers notes in the margin; the New Testament, with all the various Roaming Catholic mandatory "legal" interpretations; and The Koran, with the ONLY true meaning is that in Iran, or possible the Taliban one; or even the Saudi/Sunni one..
and now on the net,
God has never, ever "admitted" a lawyer.
And, the best "proof, beyond a reasonable doubt", for the existence of "God", would now be if he did not make a single exception for you.
But, you did start this story outed with a blatant lie = "The Good Folks at the RNC".
Setting side the issue of which really IS The Worst - the RNC or the DNC - your claim that either of them are "Good", is so ludicrous that if you were in Wa state we would ask to have you committed, for psychiatric "observation"- under the WA Civil Commitment Act - to see if there is ANY evidence - cogent or admissible - that you are, even possibly, in fact, sane.
But, you did start this story outed with a blatant lie = "The Good Folks at the RNC".
Setting side the issue of which really IS The Worst - the RNC or the DNC - your claim that either of them are "Good", is so ludicrous that if you were in Wa state we would ask to have you committed, for psychiatric "observation"- under the WA Civil Commitment Act - to see if there is ANY evidence - cogent or admissible - that you are, even possibly, in fact, sane.
OH, and Dan, where is The One for the Great "State of being" in Arid-Zone-Ah.
We simple cannot wait for reading the Karma (sp?) Sutra position(s) you take on all those illegal immi-grunts that used to surround us, and now have moved over into Texas.
As Seinfeld oft asked U.S.: How much pleasure are you getting out of that?
---------We simple cannot wait for reading the Karma (sp?) Sutra position(s) you take on all those illegal immi-grunts that used to surround us, and now have moved over into Texas.
As Seinfeld oft asked U.S.: How much pleasure are you getting out of that?
Nevada's triple economic whammy
Obama's failed promises: Nevada edition
First, an apology, we've been ill, again...
Some very odd symptoms, too.
We have woken up with the tip of my index finger numb, the one that clicks on the mouse, and found it "pale", as if it is receiving no blood. Then the pinky on my left hand, the one we Brits use to balance our tea cups. Then, even with colour, a tingling - sometimes with full feeling, so no obvious nerve problems; and sometimes no feeling at all other than the tingling.
We have woken up at the coldest point in the morning, and sweating like a gut shot pig...
oh, we know, pigs don't sweat.
but we went to bed without a fever and we woke up without a fever.
Most days we have no problems eating. But, some days just as we are going to bed, we are so sick to our stomachs - oh, we know, we should stop watching those R pseudo-debates - and need to throw up, before we can fall asleep.
Most days we feel fine when we get up, but some quickly change - dull aches in our muscles, and even our bones. And, we become tired, too quickly.
Some days we wake up with a dull headache, some we are simply "dizzy" and have difficulty standing up and keeping our balance.
We have, whenever we feel "tired"...
since the Winter where we contracted full blown pneumonia three times
- one, between Halloween and Thanksgiving (bcuz we remember both of them;
the second time, from almost a week before Christmas until a few days after New Year (bcuz we remember neither of them); and
the third and last time, in the Spring, around St Paddies Day...
....very faithfully gone to bed and slept with the alarm off, for as long as we needed to sleep.
And, that is what we have been doing.
This time we have slept for 4+ hours, or a few as one.
Woke up to take bathroom breaks, and went back to sleep for a few hours more.
Twice we have slept almost half the hours in a 36 or 48 hour period.
Could we, while awake, kept you "posted"...
well, of course.
Please, try to understand that...
while we could have spent all that time in bed with a young, nubile, virgin...
getting in shape for our eternity with our 72 virgins...
but, that would have been a waste of time, since we are not Muslim.
So, when awake we ate and drank all the stuff that is good for us
and when not, we tried to sleep the "rest of the just and sin free"...
apparently with little, to no, success.
However, we ARE still alive
- which, depending on your point of view
- both The Good News and The Bad News.
We have woken up with the tip of my index finger numb, the one that clicks on the mouse, and found it "pale", as if it is receiving no blood. Then the pinky on my left hand, the one we Brits use to balance our tea cups. Then, even with colour, a tingling - sometimes with full feeling, so no obvious nerve problems; and sometimes no feeling at all other than the tingling.
We have woken up at the coldest point in the morning, and sweating like a gut shot pig...
oh, we know, pigs don't sweat.
but we went to bed without a fever and we woke up without a fever.
Most days we have no problems eating. But, some days just as we are going to bed, we are so sick to our stomachs - oh, we know, we should stop watching those R pseudo-debates - and need to throw up, before we can fall asleep.
Most days we feel fine when we get up, but some quickly change - dull aches in our muscles, and even our bones. And, we become tired, too quickly.
Some days we wake up with a dull headache, some we are simply "dizzy" and have difficulty standing up and keeping our balance.
We have, whenever we feel "tired"...
since the Winter where we contracted full blown pneumonia three times
- one, between Halloween and Thanksgiving (bcuz we remember both of them;
the second time, from almost a week before Christmas until a few days after New Year (bcuz we remember neither of them); and
the third and last time, in the Spring, around St Paddies Day...
....very faithfully gone to bed and slept with the alarm off, for as long as we needed to sleep.
And, that is what we have been doing.
This time we have slept for 4+ hours, or a few as one.
Woke up to take bathroom breaks, and went back to sleep for a few hours more.
Twice we have slept almost half the hours in a 36 or 48 hour period.
Could we, while awake, kept you "posted"...
well, of course.
Please, try to understand that...
while we could have spent all that time in bed with a young, nubile, virgin...
getting in shape for our eternity with our 72 virgins...
but, that would have been a waste of time, since we are not Muslim.
So, when awake we ate and drank all the stuff that is good for us
and when not, we tried to sleep the "rest of the just and sin free"...
apparently with little, to no, success.
However, we ARE still alive
- which, depending on your point of view
- both The Good News and The Bad News.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Housing values down steeply in 2012 battleground states
not see both where and why Obama is toast.
Housing values down steeply in 2012 battleground states
http://www.housingwire.com/ 2012/01/20/housing-values- down-steeply-in-2012- battleground-states
not see both where and why Obama is toast.
Housing values down steeply in 2012 battleground states
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Trade Balance Deficit Grows, But Underlying Data Good in Nov + Export and Import Prices Continue to Moderate in Dec
not see the huge shifts taking place on all three US Coasts
and on both borders - north and south
As the EURO drops, exports to them from U.S. drop, a lot; but the price to U.S. for buying Porsche 911s, BMWs and Mercedes also drop. True, only the 1% can still afford them, but let'U.S. not be too unfair to them too.
But, if Europe cuts back from U.S., they also might from China. Which, once again, makes Chinese exports TO us more important to their economy. And, will make them FAR less likely to change the value of the Yuan.
At the same time, while we are importing US$ 5 Billion a month from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, each...
we are not exporting huge amounts of refined fuels to them and the rest of the world.
U.S., an exporter of OIL?
The 1st two charts are very interesting: the 1st shows U.S. only that the trade deficit is getting worse; the 2nd shows U.S. that while that is true, BOTH imports and exports are growing.
The 3rd chart shows U.S. both the seasonal changes , but also the size increases.
The 4th shows that, when inflation is factored, imports without oil increased more than WITH oil.
That is so, bcuz we are reducing our amounts of imported crude oil. And, that is VERY good.
Bcuz we make a LOT more money selling refined fuels, than we are spending to buy the crude to make them, and a lot of that is now using our own supplies
A major economic shift, in favor of U.S.
The two article below are one of the few blog posts that look at both the level of exports and imports, but also the change in prices, and the trends for both.
November 2011 Trade Balance Deficit Grows, But Underlying Data Good
http://econintersect.com/ wordpress/?p=17795
Export and Import Prices Continue to Moderate in December 2011
http://econintersect.com/ wordpress/?p=17798
not see the huge shifts taking place on all three US Coasts
and on both borders - north and south
As the EURO drops, exports to them from U.S. drop, a lot; but the price to U.S. for buying Porsche 911s, BMWs and Mercedes also drop. True, only the 1% can still afford them, but let'U.S. not be too unfair to them too.
But, if Europe cuts back from U.S., they also might from China. Which, once again, makes Chinese exports TO us more important to their economy. And, will make them FAR less likely to change the value of the Yuan.
At the same time, while we are importing US$ 5 Billion a month from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, each...
we are not exporting huge amounts of refined fuels to them and the rest of the world.
U.S., an exporter of OIL?
The 1st two charts are very interesting: the 1st shows U.S. only that the trade deficit is getting worse; the 2nd shows U.S. that while that is true, BOTH imports and exports are growing.
The 3rd chart shows U.S. both the seasonal changes , but also the size increases.
The 4th shows that, when inflation is factored, imports without oil increased more than WITH oil.
That is so, bcuz we are reducing our amounts of imported crude oil. And, that is VERY good.
Bcuz we make a LOT more money selling refined fuels, than we are spending to buy the crude to make them, and a lot of that is now using our own supplies
A major economic shift, in favor of U.S.
The two article below are one of the few blog posts that look at both the level of exports and imports, but also the change in prices, and the trends for both.
However, what might be rather interesting to notice is the changes that appear in exports to Europe, and imports from Europe - compared to the changing value of the EURO.
While we should see a decline in European imports from both China and U.S.; are we also seeing an increase in our buying Porsche 911s, BMWs and Mercedes? So, what are the container counts on the East Coast?
And, if we are not buying German cars, why not? How are the German banksters going to loan the PIIGS the money to payoff their debts, so our Wall Street banksters do not have to "cover" them with our CDSs? Tell me that.
November 2011 Trade Balance Deficit Grows, But Underlying Data Good
Export and Import Prices Continue to Moderate in December 2011
Friday, January 13, 2012
Retail Sales: A Disappointing 0.1% in December = Advance Retail Sales Disappoints Christmas Pundits
assume that all the excitement...
in not about "The Circus"...!!!
Or, believe that with all "The Elephants" following each other's tales...
that is not really a circle of jerks...
{oh dear, are we having too much pun...}
Back to being somewhat serious...
these two articles, and sets of charts
are very illuminating - about "retail sales"
The 1st chart shows U.S. the "normal" media view - that everything was "up and up"
every month and every year
the 2nd chart suggests that, while we had a "little setback", we are now skyrocketing, again
the 3rd chart suggests that IF we adjust for inflation, we are slowing down, a wee bit
the 4th chart shows U.S. how much better off we would have been IF only W had not been President
Now, the 5th chart is where it gets really disgusting.
Adjusting down, for population growth, for inflation, and for both.
What's up with that?
Didn't we get rid of all those pesky Mexi's?
And, then Doug (selling U.S.?) Short shows U.S. where we really are.
That's enough to make you sick(er) !!!
Not only are we still down 9% below the peak before the RE collapse...
but we are still below the BOTTOM of the 2001 tech crash...
and all the way back to 1998 spending.
It's as if all the benefits of cheap Chinese toys and stuff for Christmas were for nothing.
And, we still, now owe them, US$ 1.5 Trillion.
And, now for something totally different...
that no only are we still in a very big hole...
we are still digging.

assume that all the excitement...
in not about "The Circus"...!!!
Or, believe that with all "The Elephants" following each other's tales...
that is not really a circle of jerks...
{oh dear, are we having too much pun...}
Back to being somewhat serious...
these two articles, and sets of charts
are very illuminating - about "retail sales"
The 1st chart shows U.S. the "normal" media view - that everything was "up and up"
every month and every year
the 2nd chart suggests that, while we had a "little setback", we are now skyrocketing, again
the 3rd chart suggests that IF we adjust for inflation, we are slowing down, a wee bit
the 4th chart shows U.S. how much better off we would have been IF only W had not been President
Now, the 5th chart is where it gets really disgusting.
Adjusting down, for population growth, for inflation, and for both.
What's up with that?
Didn't we get rid of all those pesky Mexi's?
And, then Doug (selling U.S.?) Short shows U.S. where we really are.
That's enough to make you sick(er) !!!
Not only are we still down 9% below the peak before the RE collapse...
but we are still below the BOTTOM of the 2001 tech crash...
and all the way back to 1998 spending.
It's as if all the benefits of cheap Chinese toys and stuff for Christmas were for nothing.
And, we still, now owe them, US$ 1.5 Trillion.
And, now for something totally different...
that no only are we still in a very big hole...
we are still digging.
12 Jan, 07:08 PM
While your first point, about consumer debt declining is valid, you either forgot to mention, or consider, where and why, or what that means.
The deleveraging by home owners by foreclosures, strategic defaults, and short sales dwarfs the paydowns on principle by debtors. The deleveraging by retail credit users by bankruptcy, cancelled credit cards and lines of credit, dwarfs the paydowns on outstanding balances.
However, with everyone of Those People their credit ratings have been impaired, if not destroyed. More important, the "equity" that the middle class once had in their homes is gone; and for too many will never come back.
To assume that they will be willing or able to go back to spending as they did is foolish, in the extreme.
Young people cannot find work, returning service people cannot find work, college grads can't find work, or pay for their student loan - and you think nothing has changed?
After 4 years of no recovery
The deleveraging by home owners by foreclosures, strategic defaults, and short sales dwarfs the paydowns on principle by debtors. The deleveraging by retail credit users by bankruptcy, cancelled credit cards and lines of credit, dwarfs the paydowns on outstanding balances.
However, with everyone of Those People their credit ratings have been impaired, if not destroyed. More important, the "equity" that the middle class once had in their homes is gone; and for too many will never come back.
To assume that they will be willing or able to go back to spending as they did is foolish, in the extreme.
Young people cannot find work, returning service people cannot find work, college grads can't find work, or pay for their student loan - and you think nothing has changed?
After 4 years of no recovery
- not jobs, not housing, and as Doug points out to U.S. not in "sales"
what part of an "L" shaped recovery do you not understand?
Retail Sales: A Disappointing 0.1% In December
December 2011 Advance Retail Sales Disappoints Christmas Pundits
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