Friday, February 17, 2012

Say Hello to the GOP's New Favorite Statistic: Workforce Participation

wonder where "stupidity" really lies....

Said you, our "crossing over",  Jordan:
"The workforce participation rate is a lot more straightforward.
If millions of unemployed Americans throw in the towel and stop looking for jobs, the rate goes down. "

Observed we:
That is simply flat out wrong.
The ONLY thing an unemployed American can DO to change the participation rate is to find and take a new job.

What long-term unemployed Americans now know, that you and the R's apparently do not, is that even when & if they do find a job opportunity, it is no longer open to them. And, since they will never, ever be able to contribute any more into their SS, what the rest of U.S. Americans really need to do is cut their future benefits - so we can cut "some of our"  taxes, of course.

Also said you, correctly this time:
The Participation rate:
"it's risen for Americans over the age of 55. It's even higher for those older than 65"
Observe we:
FIRST, there are two very different undertows that will help explain that:
ONE, everyone 62 & above knows that IF they delay retirement, they will be given a large increase in SS each and every year they delay. So, hearing all the talk of cutting SS benefits, they can offset ALL of those negative impacts simply by keeping the job they have for a few more years. The ROI of the delay is huge.
TWO, everyone below 62 who is both - long-term unemployed with little or no hope of ever finding another job, let alone one paying high wages; and who have NO way to delay their SS retirement to obtain the increases in SS others can - also knows that IF their SS is going to be cut, and IF they retire BEFORE they are cut, thereby avoiding the cuts to them, the ROI of taking early SS is huge.
And, that does not even count the free medical benefits of Medicare and Medicaid !!
SECOND, those in the first category do not change the participation rate - they were employed, and they still are employed. Those in the second category do NOT change the participation rate either - they were not employed, they are not going to GET re-employed, AND taking early SS does not change the participate rate either.
THIRD, given the huge hit that older working Americans have taken in the value of their homes and in their personal investments, that they now realize not only has not changed, and probably may never; are, shall we say, "tempted" to hang on to their jobs and income for a few more years to try to minimize the damages to them.
Younger Americans, bcuz they do not loose as much to do it, are going back to school, to re-invent themselves and their skills, in order to seek out better, higher paying jobs - to try to avoid what is happening to their parents. The ROI of their investing in their future is huge.
You do see, do you not, that most Americans are NOT stupid.
Politicians are, by definition; Sunday "talking heads" are, by all the available evidence; R's are, probably by "nature" and defective genes; D's are, probably by "nurture" and Alzheimers - none of them seem to remember what Obama said he would change, or recognize that he lied.
Fourth, since there never has been, are not now and never will be, any lawyers in Heaven; both of the Obamas know that merely lying will not change where they will spend eternity. And, like Flip, they can tell U.S. "...the Devil made me do it !!!"
Say Hello to the GOP's New Favorite Statistic: Workforce Participation

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