Sunday, May 30, 2010

Arizona commercial real estate brokers: Some lenders ignore crisis = 'Extend, pretend' on bad loans may spell disaster

not feel VERY sorry for your BK local banks and S&Ls
they are "damned" if they do, and they are "damned" if they don't...

According to Calculated Risk's list of troubled banks, it is up a lot, again, this month...

So..., "extending" is not just "pretending"..., it is something that they MUST do, to stay alive & in business.

Not just as the Big Bailed Out banks are milking U.S. for every fee they can find to charge U.S., in order to increase their income to cover their losses - both those they have taken AND those they have refused to take....
Small, local, commercial banks are stuck with these bad and non-performing loans.
IF they take the loss, now, the FDIC will close them.
IF they can make some money, or if these Cmcl RE loans recover, they MIGHT survive to live another day.
Real-estate brokers believe lenders that are extending loan terms are just simply delaying the inevitable.
Arizona commercial real estate brokers:
Some lenders ignore crisis
'Extend, pretend' on bad loans may spell disaster
The experts said about 25 percent of outstanding commercial real-estate loans are in good shape, and another 25 percent are doomed to foreclosure.
The remaining 50 percent could go either way. It's the fate of those loans that concern analysts.
"That's an aggregate southeast Valley vacancy rate of 35.5 percent, with east Mesa taking the biggest hit at a vacancy rate of 68.4 percent"
Commercial real estate
Commercially challenged: A number of commercial properties and districts in the Valley have struggled to survive the current recession, which experts said stems primarily from overbuilding and risky lending practices. Here are a few examples.

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