Friday, May 21, 2010

Bonds ring economic alarm bells > Treasury yields bounce back > Investor fear is back

not see what a few hours can do to you, and U.S.

Earlier today TBill prices rose, and yields dropped, a lot...
then this afternoon, the reversal took place.

So, after a week of volatility, where does that leave U.S.
Who, in Hell, aka Az, knows...

What we DO know is that RE interest rates dropped last week
due to the large drop in TBill yields...
that was good for U.S.

What this weeks volatility means for next week RE interest rates...
God only know.

However, with the decline in RE home prices, the increase in job claims
keeping the mortgage interest rates LOW
now becomes even more essential for the economy.

Treasury yields bounce back

Bonds ring economic alarm bells

Investor fear is back

US Treasury Yields Curve Chart


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