Friday, May 21, 2010

China boosts US debt holdings for first time in six months

not see that the Admin has been forced to cave in to China...

At the first of this year China sent U.S. a "message"...
they stopped using their trade surplus dollars to invest in Govt bonds..
they used them, instead, to by "stuff" that they needed for THEIR economy.

So, by increasing their imports from U.S., they could show U.S. a much smaller trade balance in their favor. AND, by not buying our Govt bond = TBills, they could show U.S. that they could refuse to support out borrowing needs to cover [y]our Fed deficits !!

We got the "message", and shut the puck up.

They, in turn, have re-started buying "guaranteed" US TBills.

As "They" have told U.S...., for years:
     "Everything in life is a trade off."
Roughly translated from the Chinese...
     "Bcuz we have you by The Balls...
     your hearts and minds...
     and economy..., WILL follow our direction(s)."

Sleep tight...
and remember when you only feared the BEDouins biting your backside.
China grabs more Treasurys
The Chinese are buying Treasurys again
China boosts US debt holdings for first time in six months
China effectively pegged at about 6.8 to the dollar since mid-2008

Net foreign purchases of US long-term securities leaped to a record 140.5 billion dollars in March from 47.1 billion in February

Japan, the world's second-largest economy and the number-two holder of Treasuries

increased its holding to 784.9 billion dollars from 768.5 billion

Britain, the third-biggest holder, also was a net buyer, bumping up its holding to 784.9 billion dollars from 768.5 billion in February.


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