Saturday, May 15, 2010

Throwing dirt on a lie that should be dead and buried … but will rise again + Rethinking Fannie and Freddie


Do not tell me what is true...
tell U.S. what some people think is true.
That is their own reality.

None are so blind as those who will not see...


Throwing dirt on a lie that should be dead and buried … but will rise again

However, as an investor, I demand evidence, data and facts. The blame Fannie & Freddie crowd have managed to remain blissfully data free. They have steadfastly ignored all calls for proof.
Its way past the time to call out their intellectual dishonesty. If you cannot show any data, if you cannot prove what you are alleging with actual facts, you need to be called out for what it is you actually are: Proponents of a failed philosophy.”
Tea Party protestors take aim at Fannie and Freddie
Rethinking Fannie and Freddie
Without overhauling the mortgage giants, reform is unlikely

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