Saturday, October 9, 2010

NYT: Biggest Local Cuts in 30 Years + Looking Back, Even More Jobs Lost + Grim News for Those Out of Job Market

not see what Economix shows U.S. in the NYT
The first is Catherine's chart that is similar to CR's - showing U.S. how much deeper and longer this recession is than the prior ones. And, while the govt stimulus programs did help, they have not helped enough or are still working for U.S.
What the 2nd & 3rd charts show U.S. is that while private job losses, particularly in the RE industries in the sand states, started this mess downward, it is now local and state govts that are been destroyed. Your police, fire and teachers.
We are destroying the village and not even pretending that we meant to try to save it.

Three-month change in local-government jobs.
Employment Picture Dims as Government Cuts Back

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