Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jobs Decline Again in September With Unemployment Steady at 9.6% = Local Government Employment in U.S. Falls to Lowest Since 2006

not see what you need to see...

First is the politically correct view of when this started and who is really responsible. Sorry, if that disturbs your view, somewhat.

The 2nd chart reminds U.S. of the fact that to get out of this mess we NEED to create a LOT more jobs than we are or have been, OR than it looks like we are going to, for years.

Duration of UI, lack of economic expansion, banks & corps whore-ding cash and not hiring OR giving it back to their stockholders.


Our Frozen Recovery
unemp private 2010-09.PNG
unemp sectors 2010-09.PNG
unemp duration 2010-09.PNG
unemp discouraged 2010-09.PNG
Jobs Decline Again in September With Unemployment Steady at 9.6%
Local Government Employment in U.S. Falls to Lowest Since 2006
What does 64,000 jobs mean?

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