Saturday, October 16, 2010

US trade gap surged in August to $46.35bn boosted by rise in imports from China = Trade gap widens on record deficit with China


forget that we are still gonna have a Merry Christmas..., at WalMart...

FAR more important is that the numbers are NOT what they are telling you...
The biggest share of American imports are oil and other industrial supplies, which rose 39% to $399.2 billion
and consumer goods, up 13% to $317.9 billion.
Please, note, we do NOT buy oil from China...
we buy it from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria.

This is NOT to say that the situation with China must be addressed...
BUT, not at this time.
They placed ALL of their trade surplus into US TBills.
We borrowed our money back from China to try to fix our own economy.
And, China cooperated, by buying down their holding in Japan, to increase ours.

So, what do we DO, we bash the living Hell out of them.
With friends like U.S...
no wonder they are shifting their trade over to Europe, Africa & their close neighbors.
Goods by geographic area (not seasonally adjusted)
The goods deficit with Canada increased from $1.4bn in July to $2.2bn in August. Exports increased $1.4bn to $21.0bn, while imports increased $2.1bn to $23.2bn.
The goods deficit with China increased from $25.9bn in July to $28.0bn in August. Exports decreased $0.1bn to $7.3bn, while imports increased $2.0bn to $35.3bn.
The goods deficit with the European Union decreased from $9.9bn in July to $8.1bn in August. Exports increased $0.7bn to $19.4bn, while imports decreased $1.1bn to $27.6bn.
The goods surplus with Brazil increased from $1.0bn in July to $1.3bn in August. Exports were virtually unchanged at $3.4bn, while imports decreased $0.3bn to $2.1bn.
U.S. imports jumped more than 22% from a year earlier, to $1.5 trillion.
The sharpest percentage increases were in imports of automobiles and related products, which soared 60%.
The biggest share of American imports are oil and other industrial supplies, which rose 39% to $399.2 billion, and consumer goods, up 13% to $317.9 billion.
trade 2010-08.png

US trade gap surged in August to $46.35bn
boosted by rise in imports from China
U.S. International Trade (Exports + Imports)
Reaches 22-Month High Of $354 Billion In Aug
Record gap with China sends U.S. trade deficit soaring in August
Commerce Department says the overall shortfall in the exchange of goods and services jumped to $46.3 billion — with more than half of that coming from China.,0,6570715.story

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