Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Foreclosure Fraud 101: Why the System Risk + What Is a Note and Why Is It So Important? + Why Are Servicers So Bad at This Job? + How Could This Explode Into a Systemic Crisis? + The Necessity of Government Action and Ways Out of the Crisis

ignore some very cogent explanations of this robo mortgage mess.

Below is a five part series, that will explain almost all of it for you.
Foreclosure Fraud 101: Why the System Risk
Foreclosure Fraud 101: What Is a Note and Why Is It So Important?
Foreclosure Fraud 101: Why Are Servicers So Bad at This Job?
Foreclosure Fraud 101: How Could This Explode Into a Systemic Crisis?
Foreclosure Fraud 101: The Necessity of Government Action and Ways Out of the Crisis

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