Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State Unemployment Rates: The Decline from Recession Maximum

miss how very different these two CR charts are from the media "norm".
What you are given by most media is simply the red line in the 2nd chart.
What CR added to that for U.S. is where you now are compared with where you once were.
Then, at a suggestion, Jim @CR created the 1st chart.
What we NOW see is who is getting better and by how much.
and, who is not.
Michigan is terrible, but getting much better, fast.
Cal & Nev are still terrible, and not getting much better.
Ore is still worse than WA, but it is getting better, faster.
And, Texas is, now, getting worse.
State Unemployment
State Unemployment
State Unemployment Rates: The Decline from Recession Maximum
State Unemployment Rates, Consumer Confidence

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