Monday, January 24, 2011

Real earnings fall 0.4 percent in December 2010 + Median weekly earnings for men and women in fourth quarter 2010

not see that the 1st six months are VERY different than the last...
that woemen are still heavily discriminated against.
The Good News is, of course, that like Mexicans they are taking jobs that real men would rather not do...!!!
{that's a joke, don't you see}
These two chart are from TED, which puts one out daily, and a weekly summary.
While the charts are aimed at one set of data, the articles cover more facts/issues.
You, too, can order them each week, and read them. You should, read them.
Over-the-month change in real average hourly earnings for all employees, seasonally adjusted, December 2009–December 2010
Median usual weekly earnings of wage and salary workers, by major occupational group, men and women, fourth quarter 2010
Real earnings fall 0.4 percent in December 2010
Median weekly earnings for men and women in fourth quarter 2010

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