Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Good News: Worker Productivity and Profits Per Workers Are At Record Highs = The Bad News: That Probably Means A Record Jobless Recovery + Corporate profits are no sure sign of economic strength

wonder if we have been skewered (sp?)...
This week's post show U.S. that the price of gas for our cars is MUCH higher under W than it was under WJClinton.
Also, that the value of the USDollar has collapse under W.
That corporate salaries have exploded under W, and ex-Pres Obama either cannot see or does not care.
While both W and BO cut their share of our tax burdens.
Today, we learn that under W we were put out of work...
BUTT, of the joke, of course, business profits are now at an all time high - per worker.
While, not only are those with jobs working harder and producing more...
but we are being paid less.
Wasn't this once a Great Country...
or what.



The Good News:
Worker Productivity and Profits Per Workers Are At Record Highs
The Bad News:
That Probably Means A Record Jobless Recovery
Corporate profits are no sure sign of economic strength

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