Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oil at the tipping point - Has the great oil rally of 2011 run its course? + high oil prices are here to stay - Don't hold your breath for a big drop in oil prices

wonder why the duck has oil on it...
Posted By JGBell, Mesa, Az: April 8, 2011 3:44 am
Under William Jefferson:
rising just over 2% annually between 1992 and 2001
Under W:
oil prices rose at an annual clip above 12% in the past decade
Did Big Dick Cheney really cost U.S. 10% per year?
As they asked Nixon, what did W know, and when did he know it?
As Sergeant Schultz told U.S.: "I know NoTink, absolutely NO-Tink."
Oil at the tipping point
Has the great oil rally of 2011 run its course?
IMF says high oil prices are here to stay
Don't hold your breath for a big drop in oil prices.

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