Saturday, April 16, 2011

RealtyTrac: Foreclosure Activity Decreases 15 Percent in Q1 2011 + Processing Delays Drop Foreclosure Activity to Lowest Total Since Q1 2008

think that "location" is where you are..., not where you are going
This month RealtyTrac has provided U.S. with a very interesting view of the dynamics of the foreclosure problem. While it is true that foreclosures are down, what RT tells U.S. is that is only due to the robo-signing problems delaying the "incoming" properties.
What we are also seeing is that the problem is spreading out, in the West to Idaho, Utah, Colorado and to a slightly less extend to Washington and Oregon.
Below are the interesting maps of AZ, WA and OR.
Note that Penal County includes huge subdivisions South East of Phoenix AND Tucson.
Note also that "The problem with foreclosures" is much worse where there are more people.
But, the most central part of the metro areas are also not as bad as the surrounding suburbs.
That may be bcuz central condo numbers are NOT included in these stats n maps - maybe!
Go to the RealtyTrac news release and look at the national state and city tables.
You will see that the West Coast and the Rocky Mountain states are MUCH worse off than most of the rest of U.S.
High Foreclosures Volume Heat Map Legend Low

With one in every 48 housing units with a foreclosure filing, the Phoenix metro area ranked No. 4 and was one of two Arizona metro areas in the top 20.


RealtyTrac: Foreclosure Activity Decreases 15 Percent in Q1 2011
Processing Delays Drop Foreclosure Activity to Lowest Total Since Q1 2008

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