Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Other Distressing Gap = Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities - "two societies - separate and unequal"

fail to realize that we have, not justly...
started another "race war"...
According to the Census, white men are not creating very many babies.
Or, all woe-men are not willing to have their babies.
According to the Census, Chicanos are now the largest minority among U.S.
And, they ARE having babies, a LOT of new babies.
What the WASPs badly want to do is reverse history.
What they probably will do is drive all minorities out of their communities, and some states.
For example, the New South California.
There is a slight problem for them, however.
In the South, they are now outnumbered by both blacks and Chicanos.
In Texas the rubber really hits the road
even with Texas style Gerrymandering they cannot legally "hide" enough of the new Chicanos.
If you are aware of the racist bigotry that is aimed at Obama, and all blacks...
you must also be aware of the racist bigotry that is now aimed at Chicanos
Tis ugly, and tis gonna get a whole lot worse.
Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities

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