Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Home Sales: Distressing Gap = Arizona among worst job creators in past five years, losing 253K jobs

full miss-understand what Bill@CR has been trying to tell U.S.
His chart on The Distressing Gap is one of the most, if not the most, interesting of the RE chart that he produces for U.S.
See: below: the list of current RE charts from CR
The Point is that there will BE no job creation in the RE industries until the Distressing Gap closes back into normal ranges.
What Bill@CR can NOT tell U.S. is when that will happen.
There is some economic evidence that we might be closer down in AZ, than in Cal or Nev. There is strong evidence that the robo-signing delays on foreclosures in Fla, and the same delays in NYC; will make the Distressing Gap last much longer, and much deeper in Fla & NYC.
Location, Location and possibly Location.
This week, the AZBJ published a story with the heading above
What they did NOT tell U.S., or anyone in AZ, was that almost all the job losses were in the home construction businesses.
Not all, obviously, but IF we back out the Sand State's RE bubble machine, there are not many other jobs that were lost - back then.
Today, all that has changed.
The multiplier effects on other industry jobs, and on government payrolls, has only begun to crash.
The second fall is not going to be the last one, either.
What we are now seeing is the destruction of America, as we know it.
To regain "The America" that white men want to believer always existed, before.
They will not get what they think they want.
And, neither will we.
Comment by JGBellHimself:
While the heading is close, what is also very interesting is that by percentage loss the worst states are all the "Sand States" that were devastated by the RE bubble collapse - Cal, Nev, Fla & AZ - plus, Michigan and Georgia. These same states are also those with the most underwater home values.
While AZ and Nev are not also in the top five of size/number of jobs lost, that is only bcuz of the size of the two states being smaller.
And, while AZ did lose huge numbers of construction jobs, many of them MAY simply have moved to Texas. Construction jobs opportunities for Chicanos, VS bad law/policy in AZ.
What is not said, is that AZ may have lost both jobs and people. And the ramifications of that are important to understand


StateJobs (June 2011)5-year raw change5-year percent changeAscendingYears up of past 5Years down of past 5Years even of past 5
Rhode Island462,400-31,400-6.36%230
On June Home Sales:
• Graph Galleries:
On House Prices:
• Graph Galleries: Home Prices
Home Sales: Distressing Gap
Arizona among worst job creators in past five years, losing 253K jobs
Arizona jobless rate jumps to 9.3 percent

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