Saturday, September 3, 2011

Zero Jobs: In August, the Worker Recovery Stopped Cold + Recovery Returns: What You Need to Know About the Economy in July + August's Big Reversal for Manufacturing and Retail Jobs

miss out on the fact that Dan@Atlantic has returned from vacation...
fully refreshed.
While this is very good
you do need to remember that he is also ignoring those who fell off the turnip truck.
And, while his "explanations" are more than we usually get from Bill@CR or from Over the Top...
they are less thorough than from Dirk TBFIL
What Dan is telling U.S. is that as bad as the labor stats are
the rest of the economic signals are mixed.
However, you DO need to read Dan's 3rd article.
THAT will set you back a few paces.
The Bad: The "Establishment Data"


The Slightly Less Bad News: "Household Data"
unemp rate 2011-08.png





Zero Jobs: In August, the Worker Recovery Stopped Cold
Recovery Returns: What You Need to Know About the Economy in July
August's Big Reversal for Manufacturing and Retail Jobs

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