Sunday, October 16, 2011

Correlating U.S. Demographics, Trade Deficits and Employment


John's Conclusion
The U.S. has been on a consumption binge.
The examination discussed here indicates that the country has been living beyond its means to produce what it consumes. That doesn't even consider that we have to import more than half of the energy used. If the production of even part of the production of goods that have been imported over the lat 14 years had been retained domestically, there would not have been enough labor available to fill the jobs that would have been required.
So the U.S. has been living beyond its means in three ways:
1 - Beyond its means to provide energy used;
2 - Beyond its means to pay; and
3 - Beyond its means to produce what it consumes.




Correlating U.S. Demographics, Trade Deficits and Employment

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