Monday, November 28, 2011

New Home Sales Improvement Continues in Oct + New Home Prices Facing Growing Pressure

JGBHimself says:
28 November 2011 at 11:36 pm
Exceptionally well done, Steven.
We trust that you will see both of Bill’s posts @ CR today. While each of you look at these numbers very differently, combined you provide a rather significant economic view.
Your “normalized for population growth” chart was an “unpleasant” surprise. But, like Bill’s Distressing Gap chart it needs to be seen, and fully understood. Nice one.
However, we do note that you are neither being a Scrooge like extreme pessimist – on the one hand; nor a milk N honey Christmas “Present” (pl) optimist – on the other.
Maybe you should make up your mind:)
Above this post is the comparison of this and the next one.
However, since each of these two are SO very different views of the same data
we feel that it is necessary to separately comment on each.






New Home Sales Improvement Continues in Oct
New Home Prices Facing Growing Pressure

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