Saturday, November 19, 2011

RealtyTrac October 2011 Foreclosure Rate Heat Map = West Coast states + NEV & AZ

assume that the worst is always in the Big Bad Cities...
True, tis in AZ = Phoenix and in NEV = Lost Vegas.
But, it is NOT true in
San Francisco
Or San Diego
Tis the surrounding suburb.
Actually, when you look more closely, that is ALSO The Truth in Phoenix and Loss Vegas
The suburban developments are the worst hit.
But bad ARMs and subprimes RE loans, and now by foreclosures and underwater homes.
What is also true is the West Coast has been economically destroyed.
Job losses.
Home values collapsed
and college tuition/cost skyrocketing.

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RealtyTrac October 2011 Foreclosure Rate Heat Map
= West Coast states + NEV & AZ

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