Wednesday, November 2, 2011

U.S. Light Vehicle Sales at 13.26 million SAAR in October = Highest since Aug 2009

assume that everyone who wants to buy a car has or will...
and that everyone who wants "a truck" will not.
Which is to say:
"Its the price of gas, stupid!"
This shows the huge collapse in sales in the 2007 recession.
This also shows the impact of the tsunami and supply chain issues on sales, especially in May and June.
Note: dashed line is current estimated sales rate.
Growth in auto sales should make a positive contribution to Q4 GDP.
Sales in Q3 averaged 12.45 million SAAR,
and if November and December are at the October rate
sales will be up 6.5% in Q4 over Q3.


U.S. Light Vehicle Sales at 13.26 million SAAR in October
= Highest since Aug 2009

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