Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home prices down for 6th straight month = down 1.2% compared with September and 3.4% a year ago,

totally miss the real numbers and facts...
First, you should notice that these four very different charts and graphs are about the same CS Report.
Proving that HOW you present the info actually DOES make a big difference.
Second, what you do not see, bcuz they didn't happen to mention it, is the fact that in Phoenix there has been such a large decrease in the lowest priced "foreclosures" that the "average price" of homes that sold, HAD to go up.
That does NOT mean that home prices actually did got up.
What it does mean is that "all cash investors" are running out of extremely cheap homes to buy.
Very different.
Could this mean that Phoenix prices are, finally, now, going to go up?
That we will have to wait until the Spring buying season to see and know.
Home prices in largest U.S. cities fall in October from September
The S&P/Case-Shiller index shows home prices dropped in 19 of 20 cities in October, dashing hopes that the sluggish housing market was headed for an upturn
Case-Shiller Index Reports Continued U.S. Home Price Declines in 4Q
Home prices down for 6th straight month

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