Friday, December 30, 2011

NAR Index of pending home sales - Rose 7.3% in Nov = climbs to 19-month high since April 2010

assume this is not one of messiest RE reports, ever...
While NAR did, finally, adjust its "sales" report, to eliminate some "problems"
they did not adjust this "pending" sales report.
The same MLS overlap that was such a problem for final RE "sales"
it taken from the same MLSs - so, what is different.
Far more serious is the report by Lawler on Calculated Risk
that the "adjustments" that WERE made were "all over the map"
literally and figuratively =
massive shifts where there probably were none
almost no shifts where their HAD to be a large one.


nar pending home sales 11/11
PHSI Nov. 2011
Index of pending home sales climbs to 19-month high
NAR Pending Home Sales Up 7.3% for Nov
Contract signings for US homes up 7 percent in November, highest since April 2010
Pending Home Sales: November 2011
Contract signings for homes up in November
But the gauge has become less reliable lately because of cancellations

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