Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"Shadow" = Housing Analysis: Bull and Bear

see "shadow housing" that is not there...
and pretend that "shadow housing" cannot be there...
if you, personally, do not see it.
wrote on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 7:25 pm

Bill, said you: "I think it is location dependent now"

Asked we, are you, "now", being serious?

In Fla (due to the robo signing delays) and in NY (where the s-l-o-o-w foreclosures have created a Wall Street "stock pile" of delinquencies) the foreclosures have not even BEGUN to collapse the RE delinquency markets.
Maelstroms of Gulf Hurricane proportions.

In Cal there has been a "mediation" delay that just ended; and in Nev there is a new "foreclosure delay" that has just started.
To say that the people in those states are, well, "different"..., is, well, redundant.

In AZ there is nothing - well, except for the DAM(n) Colorado River drinking and irrigating water - to stem the flood of foreclosures.

Many, too?, assume that there are NO foreclosures left in AZ.

They might be Too Far Right, or they might not. Or, foreclosures might be "off the charts", so to speak, economically. Oddly, needing to raise cash, BKofAmer has just increased their supply of pre-foreclosures, to re-fill the REO bucket. Some charts still suggest that there is about another one (1) year supply of "incoming" foreclosures.

So, are you, now, Bill, saying that "all the sand states are not equal"?
Fancy that! We will, of course.

So, are you, now. Bill, saying that - with the possible exceptions of Detroit and Atlanta - all the rest of U.S. are about equal. And, admitting that the sand states WERE, are, and will BE, totally different?

And, that by NOT parsing those "aberrant" states, you are not telling U.S. The Truth about the rest of U.S.?
IF so, good on ya!
If not, why not?

As "They" say:
"It's about time!"
"It's about money!"



Housing Analysis: Bull and Bear

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