Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Housing Starts increase in November + Multi-family Starts and Completions, Record Low Total Completions in 2011

be absolutely blinded by the optimism...
to the fact that last year, the lowest on record, was less than one third of the starts in 2006
this year, a newer record low, was less than half of the starts in 2008.
and barely one1/4th the starts in ought-6.
CR tell U.S. the Truth:
Single family starts are still mostly "moving sideways".
and at an incredibly LOW level.
And, now, control of your TV set will be returned to you...
as you try to return from "The Twilight Zone"
This shows the huge collapse following the housing bubble, and that housing starts have been mostly moving sideways for about two years and a half years - with slight ups and downs due to the home buyer tax credit.
The previous record low for multi-family completions was 127.1 thousand in 1993.
It will be close this year, however total completions will be at a record low
- and the U.S. will add the fewest net housing units to the housing stock since the Census Bureau started tracking completions in the '60s.



Housing Starts increase in November
Multi-family Starts and Completions, Record Low Total Completions in 2011

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