Wednesday, June 23, 2010

US foreign trade deficit rises to $109.0bn in first quarter of 2010 + increased slightly in April 2010 to $40.3bn


This 1st chart from FinFacts is the ONLY one like it that we have seen.
What it shows U.S. is that we have very different trade balances.
We have surpluses for "income" and "services".
But, they are more than offset by deficits for "goods".

What this chart does not do however, that Calculated Risk does do for U.S., is separate fuel/oil out of the mix. For example, we buy around US$ 4 Billion a month from Canada, and around US$ 3 Billion a month from Mexico and Venezuela.

So, while we talk, a lot, about China...
we do NOT talk about the "price" to U.S. of fuel oil.

US current-account deficit rises
to $109.0bn in first quarter of 2010

US monthly international trade deficit
increased slightly in April 2010 to $40.3bn

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